The Dursleys and Marge//Draco

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      Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. There will be a POV change fyi :)


     It has been 5 damn days since Severus left me at the shop. And its been 5 damn days since I got this insufferable name, Mr. Fluff. I never see Potter. I stayed in this pig's room the whole time. Dudley does whatever he wants to me. Sometimes he doesn't feed me. I sit in my cage all day, but don't get me wrong, its much better than the Dark Lord.

     From what I observed from the filthy muggles is that they only eat, sleep, and watch a glowing box. I believe its called V.T. I'm not sure though. Very weird name. When Dudley does open my cage door I try to run to Potter (desperate, I know put at least the Gryffindor would feed me). But the big oaf wont let me leave. Until breakfast. From my "sneak outs" Potter's room is next to the oaf, so I can here Petunia yell at Potter to do some chores or make meals. I cant Believe  the Golden Boy is treated like this. After all these years thinking that he lived in a mansion with 20 house elves to serve him, he serves other people. I feel bad and I don't even like the prat.

      I smell something frying which makes my nose perk up. Ohhhh bacon AND eggs. I wish I could have some. I haven't eaten in days. But before I could think more about food I hear Vernon yell,


      Shit. That doesn't sound good. Who is Marge anyway. Hope she isn't another arse. I smell more eggs being cooked, then I hear a door bell with lots of barking. Oh merlin, a dog.

                                                              -------------------Harry's POV----------------

    I hate when Aunt Marge comes, especially when her dog comes with her. The last time she came during the summer before 3rd year, I blew her up. She still isn't to happy with me, no surprise there though.

    I look down at the eggs I'm re-doing and they are cooked perfectly so I turn of the stove and put the eggs on the table. Uncle Vernon looks at them and grunts an approval. Then the door bell rings with non-stop barking. Great, she's here.

"Get the door you useless Freak!" Aunt Petunia shrieks as she gets Dudley's tie fixed. I walk to the door and open it. I'm greeted with a heavy suitcase in my face. I stumble a bit but I right myself.

"Still here are you?" Aunt Marge asks in her deep voice. Still ugly are you I think to myself. I place the bag in the guest room and I go down to breakfast. Soon as I sit down, I hear Aunt Marge talking to Dudley about something.

"So Dudley, eating well I see. Fine boy you got here Vernon. Unlike this kid," She says while pointing to me, "who has a bit of an attitude. You are very lucky boy to live here. If you were dropped off on my door step, I'd leave you to starve." She concluded with a sneer. There was silence while everyone ate there meal. When everyone finished, Dudley spoke up first.

"Auntie, look what Dad and Mum got me over the Summer! Look its a ferret." I turn my neck around so fast it cracks. Malfoy is here. Dudley pulls out Malfoy and I try hard to suppress a gasp. Malfoy is shivering and so skinny you can see some of his bones. Looks like Ickle Duddykins didn't feed him properly. Aunt Marge's dog sees Malfoy and goes nuts and Malfoy jumps off Dudley's lap and runs away. I jump up and try to save Malfoy. I ignore the yells of Uncle Vernon to sit down. I run around the house with Uncle Vernon not to far behind. I Grab Malfoy and kick the dog down the stairs when I start to run up them. I sprint to my room and drop Malfoy when I hear Uncle Vernon pounding up the stairs.

"Hide Malfoy I don't know what he's going to do." He looks at my at hides in my pillow case. Just then Uncle Vernon comes in more purple then a grape.

"Where's the ferret boy? Tell me or there will be no meals for a week."

"I don't know. I ran up here and dropped Mr. Fluff some where." I lied.

"Your lying. TELL THE TRUTH."

"I don't have him!!" I yell back.

"LIAR! NO MEALS FOR A WEEK." He then did something I never expected. He punched me across the face. I fell to the floor in pain but he wasn't done. He then kicked me twice in the ribs and knocked the wind out of me. I whimpered after he slammed the door and locked all 10 of the locks on my door.

      I grab my wand and run a check up spell over my body. 2 broken ribs and a nose, plus major bruising on my chest and stomach. I use a quick Episkey over my ribs and nose and whine when my nose snaps back into place. I turn around and see Malfoy staring at me with fear.



Chapter 3 is done! I know this is slow and the Drarry train isn't in sight but its chugging along. Comment plz... first comment earns a shout out! I don't know when the next chapter will be out but hang tight!

-Gianna ;)

P.S- if you have a suggestion, plz tell me!

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