We Meet Again//Harry

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Harry Potter could not wait to go to Hogwarts anymore. He misses his teachers, quidditch, and most definitely his friends. He does not want to stay with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin at #4 Privet Dr. They treated him cruelly and unfair. Likewise, they treated Dudley like a king. He gets everything he asks for just by fake crying about it. Today he was about to get one more thing.

Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, and I were walking down a busy street in downtown London shopping for Dudley's new clothes for his school, Surry Academy. Usually, the school provides uniforms for students but since Dudley weighs the same amount as a baby whale, Aunt Petunia has to buy special ones. We walk past Lily's Pet Store but Dudley runs (looks like a penguin waddle) and presses his overly large face in the window.

"Mum! Mum! I wanna new pet NOW!" Dudley demands. Petunia answers like always, 'anything for you Dudley Dums!' Not a minute in the store and Uncle Vernon puts his big ugly mustache in my face and yells,

"While we are here, no..no funny business! Understand? Unless you want no meals for the rest of the day." By business, he means magic. The Dursleys are the most muggle as can be. I nod and walk in. Dudley goes to the back of the store and looks at the ferrets. They're 5 of them. All black or brown except one pearly white one. With Silver orbs for eyes.

"Those eyes look very familiar."  Whispering to myself. I walk up to the cage after Dudley leaves to look at the ferret. The ferret wakes up from his nap and looks me in the eye. It screeches and rushes to the back of the cage. The poor thing looks terrified. I remember this ferret from somewhere. its looks to familiar. I think back and try to place the ferret.

All of a sudden it comes back to me. 4th year at Hogwarts and a certain Slytherin.

Draco Malfoy


I look at the ferret again and take a closer look. It reminds me of when Malfoy was turned into a ferret in 4th year. That was brilliant and funny. Now, its not so funny. I crouch down at eye level to the ferret. This was going to be embarrassing if it wasn't Malfoy.

"Hello ferret I believe to be Malfoy. If you are Malfoy, jump twice, then Ill get you out of here and transfigure you back to human. Ill help you because obviously, your state isn't looking to good. Jump now. " I said to the white creature. "Malfoy" looked at me with confusion. I was about to get up because the ferret didn't jump until the ferret bounced twice. I looked at the ferret in disbelief.

"Is it really you Malfoy?" The ferret nodded. Or should I say Malfoy. 

"Ok. I don't know how Ill get you out of here but Ill try anything." I said while standing up and looking for Dudley. I spotted him looking at the snakes so I called him over.

"Hey Dudley! Look at this beautiful white ferret! Oh how I wish to have it! Aww." I sarcastically said to Dudley with his little piggy eyes looking at Malfoy. Dudley look at him and stated,

"That one. I want that one," Uncle Vernon didn't hear Dudley so he yelled four octaves higher, "DID YOU HEAR ME?!? I WANT THAT ONE!!" Now Uncle Vernon looked up from his newspaper and said,

"Of course. Only the best for a Dursley!" I looked back at Malfoy, I swear I saw his eyes grew bigger. Vernon barked at the girl behind the desk to get the white ferret. Malfoy was picked up and put into a smaller cage to take home. Aunt Petunia shoved the cage at me and told me to put the ferret in the back where I sit. Walking outside, I made sure no one was looking at me and I spoke softly to Malfoy,

"You don't know what you just got into. Ill transfigure you as soon as possible. Merlin only knows what will happen to you. Ill do my best though." Malfoy nodded. The Dursley's then walked outside, climbed into the car, and drove off home.

During the car ride, Aunt Petunia told Dudley that he had to take care of Mr. Fluff (Malfoys new "name" which made Harry laugh a lot) and make sure he is well feed. Uncle Vernon them looked at me.

"Don't go near Dudley's new pet. Don't do any business around that animal. Or else, no meals for a week. Understand boy?"

"Yes." I said straining to be nice. I cant show Malfoy my weakest state. I cant do anything while someone is watching.

We all piled out of the car and walked inside. Before Dudley grabbed the cage, I whispered

"Good luck Draco. Ill get you as soon as I can."

Harry walked inside cursing to himself. He called Malfoy Draco. That cant happen again. Malfoy cant know his secret. No one does.


Yes a new chapter done! Hope you like it. Not sure how its going to go but we'll see. Any suggestions? Comment!

-Gianna :) 

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