Chapter Seven

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            “Kara, are you almost ready?” Mina asked.

            As usual, she and Megan let themselves into her room after only this brief announcement. By now, Kara was used to it and not bothered by it. Normally, her roommates were gone and not there to complain about it. This happened to be one of the rare occasions Shirelle and Kara were still in the same room.

            More than a month had passed since the big blow up between Kara and her friends. Since that time, they’d settled into a routine that consisted of avoiding each other. They were hardly ever in their room together anymore. The only reason she and Shirelle were there tonight was because they were probably going to the same place.

            With Halloween just around the corner, it was time for their annual pilgrimage into town. Like the two years before, they’d watch a play put on by a local theater group and then attend a small carnival.

            “Almost ready,” Kara said, heaving a sigh. “I just wish I could’ve talked Ethan out of this.”

            “How come?” Mina asked.

            “Every time I go to this stupid thing something ends up going wrong,” Kara explained.

            The first year she’d gone, she’d stumbled on Solomon flying. That was before she’d known he and Ethan were vampires, and Solomon knocked her out to take away her memory. He hit her so hard she ended up in the hospital with a concussion. Last year, she and Ethan still hadn’t gotten back together when the carnival arrived. She’d been forced to go with Tate, and when he and Ethan crossed paths they’d almost gotten in a huge fight. Who knew what would happen this time?

            “I’ll bet things will be different this year,” Megan said. “We’ll have tons of fun.”

            “Maybe,” Kara said.

            “You better go, Kara,” Shirelle spoke up. “You and Ethan wouldn’t want to disappoint your loyal subjects by staying home.”

            “What the hell does that mean?” Megan demanded.

            “I thought it was pretty clear, but I can explain it if you’re too stupid to figure it out,” Shirelle offered.

            “Let’s just go,” Kara said.

            “Guess I’ll have to explain it some other time,” Shirelle said. “Your queen has spoken.”

            Don’t say anything else. We’re leaving now, Kara ordered silently.

Knowing Megan and Mina would follow her, Kara walked out of the room. They waited until they were out of the dorm before they spoke.

            “That girl really bugs me sometimes,” Megan huffed. “Honestly, Kara, I don’t know how you were ever friends with her.”

            For the first time, Kara didn’t feel the urge to defend Shirelle.

            “Do you think she knows something?” Mina asked.

             “I doubt it,” Kara assured her.

            “So you think the king and queen thing was a coincidence?” Megan guessed.

            “Probably,” Kara agreed. “Let’s just forget about it and try to have a little fun at this stupid thing.”

            “It’ll definitely be fun with them around,” Megan said, nodding her head toward the group of boys that stood waiting for them in the parking lot.

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