chapter 1

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    Song- "On and On", Erykah Badu

Sipping on my warm coffee, I sit in the corner of the busy coffeeshop, working on last minute work. I slip in my earphones, and play music to tune out the loud buzz of chatter from the abundance of college students. The smell of coffee fills my nostrils, and I smile as I breathe in the aroma. I loved coming here to finish my work; I was comfortable here.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" I looked up to see a guy hovering over me.

"Um, sure I guess."

He had a beautiful smile and smooth brown skin. I looked up to catch him staring at me. I awkwardly looked back down at my laptop and tried to avoid conversation.

"I'm Ashton. I don't know if you know me, but i'm in your physics class. I noticed you were working on the homework and was wondering if you help me."

"Um, yeah, sure, of course."
I jumbled my words. Ugh, word vomit, so embarrassing. I pushed my kinky hair out of my face and began helping him.

"You are really good at this," he said. "I've been trying to get someone to tutor me but I haven't been able to yet."

"I can do it." I cooed. "We can, you know, meet in the library and study."

"That would be cool,  you could be my study buddy,"  We laughed. "Yeah, that would be cool."

       As I rode my bike back to my dorm, I couldn't help but think about him. He was so fine. Once I got home, I called my friend, Lauren, and told her all the details.

"Ooh, you have a crush!"

"No I don't. I just think he's kinda cute."

"Whatever, I can tell you are catching feelings."

"Catching feelings? I just met him like 25 minutes ago, you are overreacting."

"Yeah yeah yeah," She mocked.

"I gotta go, I'll text you later." I began going through my Instagram, and the orange notification popped up. ashton35_ started following you. How did he find my Instagram? He must really be lurking. Who is this guy?

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