chapter 3

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Crowded Places- BANKS

It is starting to get dark outside, and I am waiting for him to pick me up. He should be here soon. We agreed that he would be here by 7:00, and it is 6:50, yet I still haven't heard from him. After 45 long minutes of deciding what I was going to wear, I settled on a pair of jeans, a black tee, and my trusty puma suedes. Fall was rolling around, and the air was becoming more cool and crisp. The doorbell rings. I look out of my window to see a blue car parked in front of my house. I quickly grab my jacket and run down stairs.

"Hey," I say.

"What's up, how are you?" he says to me, and then goes in for a hug.

"You look beautiful, as always."

I could feel myself blushing, how embarrassing. Once we get to the car, he opens the door and I get in.

"So what kind of music do you like?" he asks.

"I mean, I like a lot of different genres, it really depends on my mood. But for the most part, I like old school hip-hop."

"For real? So do I. I listen to Tribe Called Quest, Tupac, Nas, everything."

Yes! This boy is fine and he has great music taste?

"Me too, what's your favorite Tribe album? Mine is the Low End Theory."

"I like Midnight Marauders, a truly iconic album." We spent the whole car ride talking about music. I felt like I could talk to him all night long. It seemed like we were talking for hours, when in reality we were only in the car for like 20 minutes. It took us forever to find a parking space, but eventually we arrived at the MOMA, or the Museum of Modern Art, my favorite museum. The place is beautiful. As we walk around we engage in small talk, trying to get to know each other.

"Are you from New York?" he asks me.

"No, I'm actually from DC, but I came up here for school. How about you?"

"I was born here, I grew up in Queens."  We continue to walk around, and there becomes an awkward silence. I try to break the ice.

"You know, I'm really into photography I'm mad I left my camera at home." I say.

"Oh really? I didn't know that. This is a dope place to get some photos."
The rest of the night was beautiful. After the museum, we went to a small Italian restaurant and shared a pizza. It was the best pizza i've ever tasted. Once we got back to my place, he walked me to the door.

"I had a great time with you. We have to hang out more" he says.

"Definitely. Yeah." I stammered. He looked my in my eyes and started to lean in.  Is he about to kiss me? It's only the first date. I brace myself for a kiss, only to realize he was going in for a hug. Of course.

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