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You just woke up and you began to walk to school so you could meet (bff/n) before she yelled at you. Once you arrived at school she ran up to you and said hi. Hey (bff/n) you said back have you seen Jason she asked. No I haven't let's go inside you said quickly. You both ran inside the school. Then you guys heard noises in one of the abandoned classrooms. You both went to check it out. When you opened the door there was a girl straddling Jason. (BFF/N) eyes widened and she twitched. You dabbed her shoulder and ripped her out of the room. She ran into the bathroom and grabbed a knife that she had hidden. She ran into the classroom and pulled the girl off Jason she was about to stab her but you ran behind her and held her arm so she didn't do anything she would regret. You pulled the girl out of the room with (BFF/N). She ran and then you noticed it was Julie. (BFF/N) that was Julie they are clearly dating you have to get her gone NOW you said to her. I know damn it she yelled. A teacher walked by and scolded her for cursing in school. Sorry sorry she said to the teacher. You both ran to class.
Time skip because I'm lazy!

After class you and (BFF/N) ran and saw Julie in the hall kissing Jason. (BFF/N) twitched she ran towards Julie and told her you guys got her a gift. She nodded and she ran with you guys she was always greedy and would take anything you gave her and then told you it was garbage. After you went to the roof you pushed her off and then wrote a fake suicide note. Well that takes care of that you smiled at (BFF/N). Thanks (Y/N)! She laughes.

See you tomorrow she smiled

Bye you said back.

Thanks for reading!!

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