Chapter 1

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I was walking, minding my own business. My guitar was in its case and I heaved it downtown to where I went every night, the bar. Good thing my apartment was nearby or I'd sure as hell wouldn't go everynight, but I got paid, and getting paid is good. As I almost made it to the bar I passed by my favorite spot. It wasn't too big but it was warm and cozy. A small little Shop was by the bar and everynight inside was the same guy, always doing something in there. Since it was an art supply store he always was doing something different, arranging paints, unpacking canvases, putting out packages of paintbrushes, sometomes painting a portrait, etcetera.. This wasn't some normal guy though. he had shaggy but wavy bright bright blonde hair, a round face, thinly framed. The way he wore his apron , with a perfect bow in the back, everyday was a different color of sweater, which were fluffy and big. Some days he wore round glasses that were pushed to the end of his nose while he painted a picture. I looked down and realized I had been standing there, dreamily mumbling to myself and I realized that he wasn't even in the store... why wasn't he.. oh nevermind .. I, embarrassed about myself made my way inside the bar and assembled myself in the back. I had a while before the show started so I sat down at a bar stool. I had just started to sip at my drink when a person caught my eye.. I turned my head to see the guy who worked at the art supply store. Should i...go up to him? No no...but yes ? No... "dammit" I mumbled out loud softly scared he'll not like me. Shit- he mustve noticed me staring , he started to make his way over and soon enough he was sitting by me..

"I saw you looking " he said in a sweet soft voice, I finally now had a vocal  connection to his pretty face, which made me smile .

"Um.. oh yea I'm sorry about that" I said and rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed. He only smiled

"It's ok, I think I already know your name since you play every night, but my names Gerard " he said. God he spoke to me as if I were a small child.. not In a bad way, but in a kind way.

"Well as you know , I'm frank " I laughed softly and he giggles. Fuck- even his giggle was cute.. everything he was doing turned me on. Gerard soon let out a sigh and he looks at me. I awkwardly look down then soon back at him

"Don't you own the art supply store besides the bar here ?" I asked a bit shyly and Gerard grins and nods

"Yep, I work there all day everyday , even weekends." I laughed softly

"Your boss must be mean " I joked and Gerard giggled again

"I didn't know I was so mean-" he laughed softly. He looked up and scanned the room and I almost could feel the slight drop in his spirit when he connected eyes with a person. Gerard Sorta Shrunk back in His Seat As If he wasn't even talking to me. A guy about 6 feet tall came up to gerard and he took gerards hand and got close to him. I wasn't stupid to realize that this was gerards boyfriend. I felt my heart sink in my chest that the only guy who can make me think of the word cute has a boyfriend. I hadn't realized I was staring until gerards 'boyfriend' gave me a look and I looked away quickly.

After a minute of awkwardness I got up and went backstage to my dressing room to get ready for the show.


My heart raced when my boyfriend, named jack approached me as I was giggling with frank. I was so scared of what he would say to me about it

"Who was that you were talking to ?" He grumbled and i looked down. "I just met them...his name is frank.."

"It's that gross frank iero kid who plays in that gross emo band here" he complained "you like his music or something to even be friends with him.."

"I'm sorry " I said softly "He's so adorable and cute " I absentmindedly said as I dreamed off about frank.

"Ey so you taking feelings for Other dudes??" He snapped and I flinched "I'm sorry, I'll make it up for you " I quickly bargained to him to change his mind about...doing anything. He got an evil smirk on his face and I looked at frank who sadly kept an eye on us as jack dragged me out the door.

Outside he pushed me against the wall "you said you'd make it up to me ?" He said, his face close to mine. I nodded and he nodded as well and then he bit my neck as he suddenly started to suck on it giving me dark hickeys. I gasped out in slight pain and he began pressing his body against mine.

"Be quiet " he whispered harshly and I obeyed as usual.. it hurt when he would dig his nails in my back when he got closer and I gently pulled away to look at him. He looks down at me, and he got the grin on his face that made me recoil back slightly. That night in the alley way jack had me against the wall, showing no mercy and little love as he fucked me against the cold brick wall. Later when I was in bed I shivered and ached from his roughness. Tomorrow was going to be hard as well.


I had silently gotten up, and got up and dressed for my workday at my small shop downtown. Today since I was....well... marked up, I wore a black Turtle neck sweater I never wore but it seemed comfy now that I wore it. I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my bright yellow hair and I sighed looking at myself more. I looked tired and needy... I shrugged off some of the thoughts I began to get. After putting on my shoes i grabbed my blue apron I wore at work and folded it. I then neatly  put it in my book bag which had all my art supplies in it and snuck out the door with my shop keys In hand.


I couldn't sleep really. After seeing gerards face as he was dragged outside and not seen again disrupted me for some reason. Last night I checked Gerards shop to see when he was open on the weekdays and saw he was open all week from 7am to 3pm, I'll stop and see him probably, to make sure he's ok. I got up and brushed my teeth and also showering. Soon enough I was ready and walked out the door. It wasn't normal walking down this street in the morning since I only come down this street to go to the bar for my band. I soon made it to gerards tiny shop and walked in.

"Hello!" I said walking in and smiling when Gerard nearly fell out of his seat while giving a girlish squeak.

"Frank is it ?" He said after recovering and standing up to greet me. I couldn't help but check Gerard out, his petite frame matched his sweet personality. He had his blonde hair which had small waves In it. He had scrawny arms and scrawny legs- I was cut off of thought when I saw the dark dark bruises on his neck.

"Hey is your neck ok?" I pointed out and I saw him slightly panic

"Huh? Oh-um- it's not important" he got a nervous smile on his face.

I frowned and then nodded " um whacca doing ?" I asked as if I weren't suspicious. Gerard looked down then back at me

"going to start a portrait of myself " he said sweetly and I nodded seeing a mirror.
"Anyways, we should meet up and hang out , I'd like to get to know you" I said and Gerard bit his lip and tapped his foot "don't know if I can"

"Well I'll find a time where you're not busy ?" I tried.

"Yea...but...i.." he drew in a breath and sighed "I'll let you know if you can" he nodded. I smile and then grabbed a piece of paper from his small business cards and grabbed a pen. I wrote down my number and gave it to gerard. "Call me if you need anything" I said , so he could call if he found a time, but also if anything ...went wrong.. I didn't trust his boyfriend one bit, and he was scared at his mentioning. Gerard hesitantly took it and put it in his pocket and nodded "I will." He got a sweet smile that made me smile back "Alright, I'm gonna go. Have a nice day Gerard " I waved before leaving. Gerard waved back and smiles still as I walked out the door.

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