Chapter 2

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I got home around the usual time, I worked late though to paint. When I got inside jack gave me an angry glare and I hung my head low walking in

"What took you so long huh?" He asked slightly intoxicated. I put down my bookbag and I sigh
"I was working on a painting" he sneered and got up to crush the beer can he had and I flinched when he stomped on it.
"So that's more important hm" he frowned and I recoiled as he took a step close to me. I was ready for something. He looked me up and down and scoffed

"Make me some food ." He said and I nodded and turned into the kitchen. I frowned when seeing there was only one option, lasagna. Jack disliked lasagna but would usually eat it. Later when it was made I set out a plate and we sat down . He helped himself to a plate and I look at my lap as he ate. I usually waited till he was asleep to wait and eat but if I did that I usually wasn't even able to eat. He wouldn't let me.

After he was done eating I prepared for bed. We both took our turns of brushing our teeth, and changing. I was tired and I crawled into bed before jack. When he got into bed, he decided he wasn't all that tired..

"Take your clothes off for me " he asked. I pretended to sleep but he scoffed
"I'm not stupid you aren't sleeping now take your clothes off now." He now commanded to me and i flinched and i did as told knowing what to do and i removed all of his clothes.
Jack smirked and he grabbed at me , touching, kissing. I didn't really enjoy his roughness.. I turned my head over while he did so and he carried on.


The next morning I ached like usual, tired and in pain.. he never gave me a break.. I grabbed my keys and saw franks number....maybe instead of going to work I could hang out with him.. I smiled thinking about him and nodded leaving my work back on the chair. I walked out after getting ready and texted frank <hey frank, it's gerard. Can I come to your apartment?> I waited outside my door for an answer patiently and soon the was a reply <sure, my apartments is swan lake, 556> I was astonished by his location. He lived in the same apartment as me and I didn't know? well the 556 should be on the top floor. I nodded to myself and went to the elevator. I got to the top floor and went to Franks apartment door knocking twice and it quickly was answered. Franks apartment was quite nice compared to mine.

"Hey frank " I smile and he smiles back. When I walk in I look around and was greeted by a short tiny grey dog with wirey hair. I grinned and looked down to pet it. The little dog had her tongue hanging out and big eyes. She seemed a little chubby.

"You need somethin' Gee ?" He asked and I looked at Him "no I just wanted to hang with you today instead of working "

He nodded and smiles. Frank shut the door and he sat down on the couch and I sat by him.

"So how you doing ?" He asked and I smile
"Good I guess"
"You guess?" He looked at me oddly.
I nodded and looked down. I didn't feel great at all. I wanted to cry because of jack. He smiles
"I'll make you some coffee " frank jumped up before I could refuse and he came back with a grey mug full of coffee that had creamer in it. It smelled amazing to me and I took it quickly and took many drinks. I looked up and I was over halfway done and saw frank smiling at me. He looked at me as if I was asking for pity and I went red and put the mug down "im so sorry-" I squeaked and looked down at my hands .

"Why?" He asked and I looked up at him not really sure why I was even apologizing.
"Oh I ...I dont really know why.." I answered and looked down my cheeks red. Frank looked at me for a bit then took In a breath

"Hey...what's your boyfriend like ?" He asks cautiously and I look at him a bit panicked.
"I-um-he's alright " I nervously reply hoping frank didn't get suspicious or anything but he frowned, I was being too obvious...
"Don't think someone's alright if they leave hickeys that once bled.." he mumbled and I tensed up
"I-im sorry- I -I ...I didn't ..mean to lie to you-" he tucked my head down , hoping frank wouldn't do anything. I flinched when he lightly put a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.
he had such a kind smile that made me ease out of my tenseness.
"It's ok to tell me..." he said softly and I took in a nervous breath and nodded.
"J-jack....that's his name...he-he's rough on me" I started to shake a bit and frank looked confused and he nodded .
"He ...usually makes me cook for him all the time, and if it's not good enough he gets angry..maybe sometimes he hits me...about ...every night-" I stopped to wipe my eyes and look down then to sigh. " he usually makes me have sex with him...a lot..." I look up at him and he hugs me. I was shocked when he did so and I hugged him back. I really needed it. All day frank and I talked about our lives and we both found out a lot in common about eachother. I enjoyed being with him. He gave me lunch and we ate together.. I at one time caught frank checking me out... I felt guilty for having some sort of feeling towards him that i shouldn't of have.. I at times wanted to kiss him but at the end of it I didn't .

I made the mistake of falling asleep on franks couch while we were watching a movie and I woke up to my phone buzzing in my lap. I looked at the clock and it was 5:37.. shit I was supposed to be home 2 hours ago. I looked In my messages seeing jack was ranting about how angry he was. I jumped up and out, while frank was fast asleep and I ran to my apartment running in

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU"  I was shoved to the ground and I winced out .
"I was out at my store!-" I cried out and he laughed "hilarious , wonder how you got into your store without the keys" jack held up the keys to my shop and I held my breath and I rose to my feet. Jack looked pissed and he raised his hand up and brought it down on me. I fell to the ground the sting in my cheek. I held it and I cried softly before getting up and taking in a breath acting like it never happened "what would for dinner" I asked and he sighs and frowns
"Make whatever is left since you forgot to buy shit" he said and I took in a breath before putting together some chicken and salad.. I hoped he wasn't too angry but when we sat down he frowned at his plate before eating it. With my phone on the table I froze when it buzzed and jack stopped his eating to look at me

"Who's texting you.." he squinted and I tensed up
"N-no one " I tried to say calmly but he was the master at lie detecting and he snatched my phone and opened it up to read it.. I held my breath and I saw his hand clench. Shit...

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