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the smoke that was coming out of the lit cigarette left the girl next to boy disgusted. she put her hand to her mouth while coughing intensely, moving further away each time.

each time he smoked a cigarette, the more the love grew apart. they were like earth and the moon, looking so close yet so far.

her impression that her lover was the most sweetest gentlemen had disappeared in seconds once he had brought out that lighter out of his jeans back pockets.

one day, enough was enough. she left the boy because he smoked cigarettes.

the boy panicked in fear of losing her forever, so he tried to quit smoking. it wasn't as easy as it seemed. the feeling of wanting to grab the lighter and a cigarette became more and more heavier as the boy would shiver each time he tried to reach for one.

i'm leaving seunghyun, take care.
was the last and most probably the only text she'll send from foreword-on.

the words that were typed onto the screen became a vision in the boy's mind, as seunghyun could not stop seeing it over and over.

"you can't leave me," the boy whispered but it had almost sounded like a yelp. the thought of it had left the boy tearing up a bit, but rapidly blinking so the tears wouldn't threaten to spill.


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