Chapter 3: Inheritance

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As I walked into the bank, I noticed how I was one of few people there, besides all of the goblins of course. I walk towards the back, were I saw Griphook. As I was walking, all the quiet talking, or for me and my ear hole things, loud talking, seemed to dissipate as more people noticed me. I could feel the stares burning into the back of my head as I walked. When I got to Griphook, he looked down at me, confused, and asked for my name. I simply showed him the letter he had sent me and when he saw it, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. "I'm sorry Mr. Potter, I didn't realize it was you. Please follow me." He got up and started walking down a hall, so I followed. He walked into one of the rooms and when I joined him in the room, I was put on edge a bit. There were tons of papers and needles in the room. "Mr. Potter?" Griphook pulled me out of my thoughts. When I looked at him, he said, "Mr. Potter, I need you to prick your finger with this needle and let a few drops of your blood fall onto this paper." I saw that he had a paper in one hand and a needle in the other. I took them both from him and did as asked. After letting a few drops fall on the paper, he gave me a small vial of liquid. "Put the liquid signantes on the finger to stop the bleeding." I did and watched in amazement as the blood still on my finger was magically sucked back in the small hole created by the needle and it stopped bleeding, just as he said. What was that? My attention quickly changed as I saw the paper absorb my blood and writing was starting to appear. I started to read it and got more and more confused as I read further down.

Name: Hadrian (Harry) James Potter-Black

Age: 15

Blood type: AB+

Parents: James Potter (location unknown), Sirius Black

Godfathers: Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape

Godmothers: Lily Potter (deceased), Narcissa Malfoy

Creature: Dragon (99%), traces of pheonix and griffin

Other inheritances: Godric Griffindor (by blood), Salazar Slytherin (relation unknown), Rowena Ravenclaw (by blood), Helga Hufflepuff (by marriage), Merlin (by blood)

Traces of blocks and potions

What? What does any of this mean? I thought Sirius was my godfather, not my actual father, and since when did I have two fathers and no mothers. When- "Mr. Potter, please calm down." I turn to him. "Calm down? How can I be calm when-" "Mr. Potter, your father, James, told me to give this to you when you came on your birthday and it would explain everything." I took the letter I now saw was in his hand, opened it, and read it.

Dear Hadrian,
I know that it's your birthday and that you're confused. We wish we could tell you everything in person, but our time is limited by the people who want to separate us. As I write this, Sirius and Lily are fighting to protect you. Sirius and I are in love with each other, and you were the outcome. Lily and I never loved each other, but had to put up the front that we did. We did it to protect you. If you are ever in trouble, go to Malfoy Manor and ask for Lucius. Tell him 'The grim family has fallen' and he should understand. The Malfoy's are our closest friends. No matter what, do NOT trust Dumbledore. I just want you to know that Sirius, Lily, and I all love y-

And then the letter stopped.


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