Chapter 17: Problems at Gringotts

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I walk into the bank and go to the back where I saw Griphook. He saw me and led me to a room. When I entered the room, my breath hitched in my throat. My dad was sitting on a small couch, reading a book, and it took all I had in me just to keep from crying. He looks up from his book and sees me. The moment we lock eyes, I run to him. We hug and I feel like I never want to let go. Eventually, the moment ends and we separate from each other. "Hadrian, you have no idea how much it has been hurting me. I've wanted to meet you for so long, but I knew it would put you in danger, so I stayed away." We hug again and silently sob into the others embrace. After a while, I look up at him. "Dad?" "Yes, son?" "Do you have dragon blood in you?" He looks at me for a second before answering. "Why yes, I do. Why do you ask?" I drop the glamour that was on me and dad looks at my new form for a moment, then shouts out with glee filled words. "I KNEW IT!" He calms down before he embarrasses himself further. "I knew that you would have your creature inheritance!" It was hard to keep from laughing. Honestly though, his excitement was understandable. He hadn't seen me since I was, what, maybe a year old? I was just as excited to see him as he was to see me. Griphook cleared his throat to get our attention. "Mr. Potter-Black, will you please follow me, we need to go see if there are any other blocks on you." "Please call me Hadrian, Griphook, Mr. Potter-Black is much to formal." He looked at me for a second before responding, "Yes, Hadrian." We leave the room and go to the one with all the light tan papers. Again, we go through the procedure, this time making sure the paper got exactly ten drops of blood. After the words popped up, I read.

Name: Hadrian (Harry) James Potter-Black

Age: 15

Bloodtype: AB+


Obliviation of the first year of life 100% (Removed)

Inheritance blocked 90% (Removed)

Magical core blocked 90% (Removed)

Omnitongue blocked 90% (Removed)

Animagus blocked 100%

Morphimagus blocked 100%

Elemental control blocked 80%

Natural seer abilities blocked 100%

Potions affinity blocked 95%

Enhanced senses blocked 70%


Loyalty potion: 100% (tied to Albus Dumbledore) (Removed)

Love potion: 100% (tied to Ginny Weasley) (Removed)

To say that I was speechless was an understatement. I was so powerful, and I never knew it. I only moved to nod my head when asked if I wanted the blocks taken off. We went to the same room as last time and I was again told to stand in the middle. I did and the same chants were spoken. I felt myself grow more powerful, but then it hit me. The future and the true prophesy.

The prophesy hit me first and I was forced to speak it aloud.

The child with the power to defeat the true Dark Lord is alive. With family thought dead they shall rise to save the one who lost the light. Born to the family of secrets as the seventh month dies, he shall inherit the power of the most ancient creature. The chosen one shall defeat evil and the truth shall be set free. The child with the power to defeat the true Dark Lord is alive.

Then I saw the future.

I was there watching as Dumbledore was standing over Tom Riddle. "It's over now Tom. I've won," he said. Then my future self came to Tom's rescue. "No, Dumbledore you haven't! Everybody knows the truth now! The only evil one here is you!" He glared at me. "I'm giving you one last chance Harry. Join me, or you shall fall with him." I glared back at him defiantly. "For the last time, I am Hadrian James Potter-Black, soon to be Malfoy. I will never join you and you will never kill my grandfather!" "So be it. Avada Kedavra!" With that, I took the curse and fell on the ground, my almost lifeless body looking peacefully at the sky. "I'm sorry," it choked out. "I tried to protect you, but I failed." And with those last few words, I watched as the light faded from my eyes.


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