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Tommy: hey I didn't know your brother was adopted?

Cary: Yeah it's not well known. We used to say we were twins

Tommy: are you both the same age?

Cary: Yeah. He's a month older tho. Smug bitch that he is

Tommy: I didn't even ask how old you are lol

Cary: I'm 20

Tommy: Im turning 21 this year

Cary: smug bitch

Tommy: hahaha jealous?

Cary: never. I'm an angel

Tommy: are you now?

Cary: are you flirting with me Thomas?

Tommy: noooooooo
Tommy: I have a girlfriend

Cary: oh yes. She keeps reminding me

Tommy: you shouldn't encourage her

Cary: why did you ask her to not hurt me?

Tommy: she's been known to stoop that low to get her way. How do you think she's gotten high in life?

Cary: why are you dating her?

Tommy: i met her at a party a few years ago and then we became friends and then we just started dating

Cary: did she seduce you or something?

Tommy: What?! No!

Cary: tom then how on earth did you not realize how bitchy she is?

Tommy: okay we may have had sex once or twice

Cary: wooooooooooow
Cary: Tom she's toxic. My best friends boyfriend used to date her and he warned us about her

Tommy: trust me. I know what she's like now but I can't just leave her now. She'll go monstrous

Cary:Tom you're scared of her. That's not good.

Tommy: you wanna hang out tonight?

Cary: Tom
Cary: I've got an event tonight. Angel stuff

Tommy: you need a date?

Cary: alright. Let's go

Darling My Dear::Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now