I Wanted To Try Something

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The next morning, after we had cleaned the house up; I was making breakfast for Louis and his sisters.

"You can cook wayy better than Louis can." Phoebe tells me, inbetween forkfuls of pancakes.

The other sisters nod in agreement.

"Maybe he should be your older brother instead of me then." Louis huffs, and we all laugh.

"I could teach you if you wanted to, ya know?" I offer, smirking.

He rolls his eyes, but I can see him trying not to smile.

Once all the girls had finished all their pancakes, I told them to go get ready for school.

"Be nice to Louis today, he's sick." I tell them, they nod their heads and hurry upstairs.

I had planned on staying at Louis's house, because he had caught a fever and I still didn't think he should be left alone. My parents trusted me to go to school, but they wouldn't find out if I didn't.

Once the girls had left, Louis and I were sat on the couch watching TV.

"Why don't we watch a film?" I ask him.

He nods his head, and I pick up the remote and flip to netflix. As I was flipping through the movies, nothing seemed to really catch my eye.

"Please, no gay ass movies." Louis mumbles.

I put the remote down to face him.

"What?" He asks me, fumbling with a pillow.

"You really shouldn't use gay as an insult." I tell him.

He shrugs his shoulders. He honestly didn't care and it showed.

"Especially since your parents are-" As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

"Don't tell me shit about them. They mean nothing to me. You need to stop fucking worrying about me, and worry about yourself." He spits coldly.

That was supposed to shut me up. And it did for awhile. I finally settle on this movie called white chicks, it seemed funny. I look over to Louis for his approval.

"Gay." He says simply.

I throw the remote down again. He was making so mad. This is exactly why I couldn't stand Louis.

"What the fuck happened between you and your dads, and why are you such and asshole?" I half yell at him.


"First of all, you little shit. You don't yell at me, in my house. And second of all, They are not 'my dad's.' Well one of them are, but the other isn't, and if I chose too I wouldn't have either of them within fucking 100 feet of me." He yells harshly.

Shut up Harry.

Shut up.

Shut the fuck up Harry.

"What. Happened." I ask again.

I see Louis begin to well up inside of him, I was beginning to see the trend that he had anger issues. Maybe almost as bad as Zayn.

"If you don't stop, Harry. I'm going to do something that I will regret." He says in between gritted teeth.

I shrug my shoulders, take a deep breath; then start the movie.

The movie was hilarious, and Louis had gotten more comfortable and was laughing along with me. The thing about Louis's laugh that it was extremely contagious, and once he started I couldn't stop.

If Niall was here this would be so much more fun, because he would end up laughing at the parts no one else did and not shutting up until we threw popcorn at him.

Once the movie had ended, I took a deep sigh. Louis had moved a lot closer to me, and I hadn't even noticed.

"Should we watch another?" I ask him, picking up the remote again.

"Nah." Louis says, his faces within inches of mine.

My heart rate started to pick up.

Ugh, I hated how he had to the power to make me feel this way.

"What then?" I ask him, my voice cracking.

"You look a lot better without glasses, you know that?" He asks me, avoiding my question.

My glasses? ok.

"Yeah-h." I stutter. "Do you want me to make you a sandwich, or toast or something?" I ask Louis, trying to get up.

He puts his hand on my thigh.

"Wait." I freeze in my tracks.

My heart:

Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom.

Ah kill me.

"Can I try something, I've been thinking about for awhile?" He asks me quietly.

I gulp loudly.

"Sure?" I say, but it comes out as a question.

His face was even closer to mine.

"You get extremely nervous when I'm this close to you, am I wrong?" He says in deep tone.

Holy shit.

"Harry, I see how you look at me. I've seen girls look at me that way before." He tells me.

His fingertips run up my chin, his constantly changing blue eyes staring directly into mine.

He mashes his lips on mine, and its amazing. This butterflies on my stomach turn into fire, and I'm blazing. Again, his mouth tastes like mint and metal from his snake bites, a perfect combination.

I can see how ignited his eyes are, how bright and blue and full of life.

We both pull away.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" I ask him quietly.

He pauses for a second, then his eyes faded to cold again.

"Yeah." He starts

He shakes his head a bit.

"You're in love with me."

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