What comes in time

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Chapter 1:

Time, a trial we all must be a part of. You're born,raised and chucked into the world to fight alone. These words came to me as I stared at the roof of my mother's car. The journey was short but we soon arrived at the steps of Ouran Academy. The building was large and, to me, impressive. The grandness of the obnoxiously large clock tower that overlooked the quad sent an intimidating aura throughout my body.

As me and mother wondered down the large halls of Ouran that seemed to echo our every step, I couldn't help but wonder if my old classmates missed me as I barely said a word about my disappearance. Upon arriving at the student relations office, I was told to wait outside. It's pretty silly that I’m actually moving schools in my final year but I couldn't deny this offer, through having good grades I was allowed to take the entrance exam and lo and behold I passed with flying colours and so I'm here.

A few minutes later my mother emerged thanking the receptionist. She handed me my class schedule and kissed me good-bye. By the looks of things I had been place in the highest class of my year, 3A, and my first class was Maths with Mr. Kihiro. Following the map provided I found the classroom with ease silently praising myself and psyching myself up for the task ahead.

Peering into the window. I could see single desks lined up into rows, 7 by 7 in uniform order. All students working, heads down with few exceptions here and there. I steeled my nerves and forced my fear deep inside of me. Reaching for the brass doorknob and turning it counter clockwise. As my manners dictated I knocked on the door upon entering. The teacher paused his actions and faced me with a kind smile. He then faced the class and began his announcement.

“Class, this is our new student. Please treat him kindly” he motioned me forward and signalled to announce myself.

“my name is Michael Smith I come from Ockendon Academy in England allow me to join your class”. I remained silent as I observed the class as they whispered and snickered quietly. I could feel their glimmering eyes throwing daggers of fear into my body. They were judging me . Mr. Kihiro spoke to me in broken English telling me it's alright . He motioned me to my seat in the 7th row sandwiched between a window and a tall teen with black hair.

I slumped into my seat that was strangely comfortable but it was a high class school after all. Royalty and VIPs occupy the hall here it's very rare for a commoner like me to be able to learn here. I gazed at the clock and understood that I only had 10 minutes of the lesson left. In the midst of daydreaming somewhere in-between missing my old school and planning the day ahead I was spoken to by the teen next to me that stayed silent in the full 8 minutes of me being there.

“welcome to Japan”. The words were heavy with the native accent but clear and British none the less . Astounded I thanked him and smiled. At 12:45 the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson. My desk and myself were then surrounded by my new 'classmates'. I was attacked with a barrage of Japanese syllables and questions that I couldn't understand let alone answer. I stood there somewhere between awkwardness and confusion.

While trying to tackle the situation, I felt my wrist being grabbed and pulled away with strength. Finding myself outside and away from the crowd I noticed my kidnapper was a young boy with blond hair. He looked to be about 7 but he was wearing the same light blue blazer as I. Along with the young boy was that tall teen that was my neighbour. The small boy spoke in broken English.

“Are you okay?” I returned with a nod.

“Good!” a smile lit up his face.

“I am Mizikuni Huninozuka but call me Hunny. This is Takashi Morinozuko.” I stared up at the tall teen who bowed and said in a gruff voice “call me Mori”once again clear English. In an effort of gratitude for their trying to speak in my native tongue. I re-introduced myself in my limited Japanese. Hunny laughed and a mixture of fear and embarrassment took over my body. Mori patted me on the head and smirked slightly chasing away my conflicting emotions and replace them with pride in my effort.

a/n: hey people this is my new book i hope you'll enjoy it. This is another fanfiction. this is of ouran academy.

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