chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I dismissed Mori's and Hunny's offer to show me around the academy. It was time for lunch and I had to retrieve my box from my abandoned bag still underneath my desk. Returning to my now barren classroom, I claimed my bag, exploring it's depths I managed to find my lunch box as well as the map that assisted me before.

Bag in hand I traversed the unknown halls once more. China vases and brass busts decorated the left wall while large arched windows graced the right, I laughed at the thought of what kind of punishment running in the halls ensued. I was soon in the presence of a large cafeteria thanks to my trusted map.

My disbelief was unfathomable. Marbles columns towered and supported the ceiling. A Michelin star kitchen served incredibly appetising food that were most likely made from ingredients that I couldn’t even pronounce. This chamber even consisted of a second storey balcony that supported the same long tables that seemed to further develop my feeling of uneasiness that was churning in of my core.

I explored the hall searching for a seat preferably by myself for I didn't want to experience the same attack as before. Close to abandoning my search I heard my name being announced, the sound was made by the same young boy that helped me before, Hunny. He motioned me over and gestured to the seat next to Mori. I sat down reluctantly in the shadow of the large teen. Mori looked down upon me and smirked.

“So who is this?” said the blond teen opposite me.

“ This is Michael Smith from Ockendon, England. Height: 5,11, D.O.B: 15th of December, interests: unspecified.” a teen in glasses recited. I looked at him confused I didn't know what he was saying but the thought of it made me uncomfortable. The feeling began to grow as two pink hair twins sat opposite to Hunny stared at me with a devilish grin. Mori stood up and spoke in a calm voice in the surrounding peoples dialect. I made my escape as the conversation died down.

I sighed glad to be away from that uneasy feeling. I started to wonder around the corridors again thinking to myself of what they were saying and more importantly what did Mori say to calm them down. Not knowing where I was going I realised that I stumbled outside. The breeze kissed my cheek and the temperature warmed my bones, it was the perfect spring day. Trees were painted a vivid pink from the blossoming sakura flowers that delicately decorated each branch. A cascade of fuchsia petals rained down on the gentle breeze.

I sat down on a small marble stone bench underneath the blossoming trees. I unpacked my box and devoured it's contents. My loving mother even included one of her home-made shortcakes that I was about to take pleasure in when I was suddenly in the presence of two rough looking teens. They spoke to me in unknown words which I blinked blankly to. Aggression took over their face and actions as they pushed me down and took my coveted dessert away.

Feeling protective I looked for something to fight them off. I grabbed a branch that was beside me and swung it swiftly at them leaving them to fall and tighten their grip on my lunch. The taller one of the two pinchers threw his fist at my face. I evaded and took my chance to sweep at his feet leaving him to fall sideways, he fell to the brick laid path with a clash. The shorter idiot picked up his friend and scurried away.

Feeling drained I perched myself back on the bench missing England even more. Wishing I could eat my shortcake in victory, I noticed Mori emerging from the pathway the dessert snatchers fled too carrying my stolen lunch box. He handed it to me and smiled softly. In a monotonous voice he said I had talent. I thanked him sincerely but with a hint of confusion.

“You should come to kendo practice, you seem talented.” I contemplated his words. I did not know what kendo was or if I wanted to do it but my gratitude and curiosity forced me to agree. The thought of why Mori wanted me to do this and why he was being so nice to me ran through my head. Mori patted me on the head and that feeling of pride returned that chased away my scepticism. I felt like I might of gained a friend.

a/n: I hope you liked this I felt like it was a bit rushed. I'll try harder next time. please leave some feedback or maybe fan. i own nothing.

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