Chapter 14

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As we arrived in our cells, we were all in the state of astonish.

"Oh my god, what just happened?" carl questioned, different emotions written across his face.

I tried not to cry. "I don't really know how to answer that." I replied as I sat down next to him.

"I don't either." he responded, he then gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.

I grinned.

"Hey marina?" he asked, I pasted my eyes on his.

"Yes carl?"

"You know that things will get better right?"

I rested my hand on his and spoke. "They may carl, I don't know, but I'm glad you think that."

He smiled a little, and kissed my cheek ever so softly.

"Hey kids." Daryl said, coming into our cell. "what's up."

"Being sad Daryl, that's what." I replied with a snap, as his eyes widened.

"Okay then, carl your dad wants to talk to you by the way." He told, as carl traveled out of our cell, Daryl took a seat next to me.

"Hey, are you still mad?" he asked, I shook my head.

"Why would I be mad?

He took a deep breath. "oh, I don't know, it's just quite scary to think about."

I glanced at him, and my jaw dropped a little.

"Wait, all of the sudden you look very familiar." I said, as I studied him a little longer.

"Marina? what's your last name?" he questioned, I quickly came to respond.


"Was your mother married to Robert Dixon? But divorced shortly before?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I said as his face started to turn pale.

"Oh my god, you're m-my." I was cut off by my tears.

"Stepbrother." his eyes started to brim with tears also.

"Oh my lord daryl!" I shouted, I then gave him the biggest hug I could manage to give.

"Marina, oh my god I can't believe I forgot about you, you're a-alive." he choked out, arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my goodness, this world separated us, this is the moment of truth, the moment I realized how much I missed you.." I started to cry even harder now.

"I know, the world can be a terrible place to be in." He replied while stroking my hair.

"I know." I cried. "It is."


A/N Sorry for not updating in a while! anyways! I just want to give a shoutout to @dachandlerriggs ! She's an amazing writer and she's so Awesome! Make sure to check out her story and follow her! I'll update again soon!


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