Chapter 16

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Marinas POV:

I watched as rick and the rest left to go hunt for the group resources.

The girls name is savannah and she made life worse for me in middle school, and I don't want her screwing me up again, and I don't want her to take advantage of me anymore.

I saw her innocent looking face, it looked like she hadn't eaten in days, or maybe more possibly weeks, her thin frame and skin tight attire
seemed to show more obviously and more nontransparent than usual, it was strange.

her dark eyes finally captured mine, she looked shocked.

"Marina?" she whispered, I just quickly turned around.

"Marina, don't you remember me?" she questioned, I just cleared my throat, she better be prepared.

"Yeah, I remember you alright, you're the girl that ruined middle school for me!" I spoke, wanting to be heard.

She tilted her head in confusion. "I don't recall such nonsense."

"Oh don't pretend like you don't remember calling me verbal insults and subsequently taking advantage of me and then trying to cover it all up be being a freaking buttkisser." I let out, by the look on her worn out looking face, I could tell things were clearing up.

"Oh marina, and don't pretend that you weren't jealous of me.."

"I wasn't jealous, why would I be exactly?" I asked, while balling up my fists.

"Oh, because I was more popular, I was better, everything that YOU weren't! poor little girl..." She answered, making a fake pouty face at the end.

I was already reaching my boiling point. "you were only popular because your parents were rich, and at least I can kill zombies, unlike your weak little skin and bones, I'm surprised your not dead yet."

She fake gasped and put her hand on her heart, acting hurt. "Why say such a thing? and I don't have parents anymore." She said, she started to sob loudly.

I don't care if she's lonely, I also don't feel one ounce of bad for her. she deserves it, it's consequences.

"Neither do I! and I'm not being a little bitch about it! it's called life! look around you! deal with it! were now living in a world full of dead people, the resurrection! grow the hell up savannah!"

And with that I stormed off to my cell, with carl following close behind me, I guess he heard the argument between me and savannah.

"What was that?" he questioned, as we plopped down on the bunk.

"That was savannah, my middle school foe, she's a bitch, I hate her guts." I replied with a slight smirk plastered on my face.

He nodded slowly before putting his arm around my shoulders.

"She's probably gonna be extra bitchy considering it's the apocalypse, but you just need to shake it off and ignore it, ya know?" He explained, I'm glad he understands.

"Thanks carl, and she's probably on her period."

He just blushed in slight embarrassment. "marina, that stuff is just wierd."

"Deal with it." I answered.

We just laughed.

Suddenly we were interrupted by savannah trying to open the cell door.

"You know it's locked, stupid." I snapped, causing her glare at me.

I'm really tired of your crap Marina!"

"Oh my crap? how about your crap that I had to go through! huh?" I told her, while I stood up to unlock the door.

"Your the one who is stupid marina, you're the ugly, fat, obnoxious wh-"

But before she could finish her sentence I punched her left jaw with all my force.

She whimpered, she tried the same thing, but I dodged it.

I then tackled her to the ground and slapped her as hard as I could.

I took my teeth and I bit her arm, she screamed, but I shut her up by punching her once again.

I stood up swiftly and began to kick her stomach, she missed some of the kicks by digging her fingernails into my leg, the result was me bleeding.

Damn her fingernails are sharp.

"You little!"

I didn't hesitate to punch her square in the nose, she fell to the ground in pain.

"I guess I win." I told, giving her one last kick in the leg, I saw her pass out.

Carl glanced at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I questioned, with slight rudeness in my tone.

"You beat the shit out of that girl marina! she's new! and just because she was your enemy, doesn't mean you have to knock the winds out of her!" he exclaimed, defensively.

"Oh so your on her side now?"

He shook his head with all might.

"That's not what I'm saying it just that you really beat her ass, I never knew you were such a fighter, I like that."

Suddenly I was being pinned to a wall, by him.

He started kissing me from my lips then transferring to my jaw line..

"C-carl" I moaned, I felt him smile.

He continued this until we were interrupted by tyreese and Daryl banging on the cell door.

"What guys!" carl snapped, clearly annoyed.

"It's rick." Daryl gulped. "He's- he's"

I looked at them with an insignificant look, then I turned back to a worried looking carl.

I think I know.


A/n hey guys!! so what did ya think? Do you think ricks alive or what? And go check out katie657's story 'save me' it's really good! Please go read it! I'll update soon so peace out my homies!


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