Give Me A Sign

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Disclaimer: Bleach is not mine. ^_^


"Give Me A Sign"

I can feel you falling away
No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way



I studied my surrounding. I need to look for an exist if ever these guys would attack us. Then I realized that there's a panther here. As if I could out ran a fucking panther for crying out loud!

I planted my feet on the ground. Determined to walk pass them, but I'm having doubts now. I know I'm strong. And I don't want to lose to any-fucking-one. But I'm no stupid. Specially when Ichi is sleeping soundly on my back. Something about these freaks is making my heart race.

But I need to know what they want.

"You need somethin'?"

I tried my best to sound cool. Man, but that freaking albino is grinning. I mean, yeah, Nnoitra's grin is so scary. Something that you can only see in your nightmares. But this guy's? It was like starring right on the Demon King himself.

I turned my gaze on the panther just to avoid myself a nightmare. And he starred right back at me, and it's making my heart race too. But in a different kind of way. It was like I saw this panther before. He's so familiar. Specially those blue eyes.

"Grimmjow, correct?"

I reverted my eyes back to the albino. He was still grinning. I gulped.

"Yeah. Do I know you?"

I heard him chuckled. A very high tuned chuckle. I definitely heard that crazy laughter before. I can't, just remember where.

"Well, we've met, but we're not close."

Met me before? Fuck, but why can't I remember this prick? Will I be able to forget those ghostly eyes? That grin?

This time, I heard a low grunt. It's not from the albino. Maybe from the panther?

"So, what do you want?"

The panther and the albino looked at each other upon hearing me. It was like this was their first time hearing me speak.

Fuck it. I hate it when someone is making a fool out of me. I started walking forward when they turned their gaze towards me once more. But this time, both of them are serious. This made me more curious. Specially to that panther. I never knew that panthers could be this intellectual.

"I'm sorry but you cannot pass."

What the fuck?! I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm sorry?"

The albino frowned. Shit, how the fuck can he be so striking similar to Ichigo? I've been with Ichigo since childhood, and I'm 100% sure that he doesn't have a twin. This is getting really freaky.

"Trust me, you will not like it here. There's another way behind. Ya' can take that one."

My insides started to boil. Is he telling me to walk another 20 minutes when our house is just 10 minutes away? Not like Ichigo is heavy, but I really wanna crash now. So I hissed.

"And why the fuck should I trust you?! I don' even know you!"

I heard the panther snarled. Then our eyes met.

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