Broken Wings

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I just found out that Juha Bach's real name is Yhwach, according to Bleach Wikia. So from now on, I would refer to him as Yhwach. If you guys are having a hard time recognizing his name, please let me know, and I would revert to just using Juha Bach instead. ^_^

I would like to thank TrustMeMyDear, asdfghost, henriethapetronella, Amber96Anime, Hidden_Secrets_67, and shishi_d_peezy for the comments. I know I never replied, but I want you guys to know that I am very thankful because of your comments. It motivates me. Sooo, Thank you. 


Disclaimer: I wish someone would allow me to be the owner of Bleach even just for a day.


"Broken Wings"

Thank you for being such a friend to me

Oh, I pray a friend for life

And have I ever told you how much you mean to me?

Oh, you're everything to me



Uryu Ishida just sighed as he watched the Quincies that are now running around the room. It's been so long since he started staying in that place with nothing much to do. It's getting really boring for him now.

It's been 18 years since this happened. And until now, he's still wondering if Ichigo will indeed go back there.

He should have been married at this age. He's almost forty, but thank God that time runs differently here in Seiritei. Because he looked just like in his mid-twenties.

Sometimes he's thinking if staying here with these idiots just to witness something great will worth it, because Ichigo is sure taking his time.

Well, at least now, Yhwach is making a move. Uryu doesn't have to wait that long.

He looked around the place. The whole room is just so white. So bleak.

Though on the other side of the room is an open space, with some pillars, it forms like a huge walk-in window or veranda or something, over-looking the whole Soul Society, there's not much difference. Since the whole Soul Society is now covered with snow.

Especially now that the process has begun.

It seems like Yhwach is really confident that he will be able to abduct Ichigo by the end of this month.

And if he does manage to do so, well, to tell the truth, Uryu doesn't have any idea about what will happen next. He just know that it's going to be nasty.

Another sigh managed to escape from Uryu's mouth, then suddenly, Uryu felt something really weird. He stiffened as he felt a sudden jolt ran down his spine. He looked around, eyeing every Quincy inside the room with his critical eyes, pushing his glasses up a bit.

"Is something wrong Ishida-sama?"

Haschwalth eyed him with worrying eyes.

Uryu felt the jolt once more, but it's much more powerful this time.

"Nothing, I just need to go to the toilet."

"Would you like me to accompany you?"

Uryu felt his mouth fell open from what Haschwalth just said. His eyebrow twitched, looking for a sign that the guy was just joking. But there was none.

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