Smother Me

665 23 3

This is just a short update that I need to write down because it wont leave me alone at night.

It was some kind of an extra. I'll start with the plot next time.

Sorry for the late update guys. ^_^

Hope you like the chessyness.


Smother Me

"Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?"


I sat down a huge rock surrounded by fine white sand and sighed.

The sun is burning. But it's not hot.

El Hueco Mundo is a really strange place.

"You okay Ich?"

I blinked then turned my gaze towards Grimmjow that's now approaching me from a nearby cave.

I turned my eyes away. There's no reason for me to lie to him anymore.

He knew me too well now.

Grimmjow sat beside me, trying to sit much nearer and squeezing himself beside me. I can't help but sigh. He's always like this when he's trying to catch my attention. He always act very childish. At least during our second life as a human. It's a bit weird for him to act this way even though he already gained his memories as a hollow back though.

I sighed again.

"Fuck Grimm stop that. You're annoying."

I frowned as I move away a bit from him to make him stop squeezing himself towards me.

I heard him chuckled.

"Co'z you're too stiff! Loosen up a bit will ya'?"

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"How can I? After hearing what Urahara said, I've been itching to go back there."

"Then what? You wanna be Juha's pawn that much Ichi? Well, it's not like I'm going to allow it, but I'm pretty sure that I'll die in the process there. Do you want me to die that much huh?"

I looked at him scowling. Who said that I'm going to let him be killed? He just returned my gaze with a very blank expression.

But he has a point.

I looked down and directed my anger towards the rock that is now sitting in front of me. My reatsu flared and hardened, then I manipulated it to form a spike and impaled the rock, crushing it in the process.

One of the guards from the Zero division taught me how to use my overly sized and uncontrollable reatsu and transform it into a shield like film, covering my whole body. I can now change its mass, or even shield someone else other than my own body. Very useful, but still not that effective when it comes to those Quincy's powerful arrows. Damn those fucking arrows.

Another thing is that when it breaks, I'll feel very weak, like all of my strength was taken away from me.

I was just lucky that Grimmjow saved me when that happened last time. If he's not there, who knows what happened to me now?

Grimmjow whistled.

"Is that always that powerful Ichi? The last time I remembered you using that, Juha's guard broke it to pieces with just one arrow."

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