Before I Update in A Few Days...

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Before I post in a few days, I wanna thank some people...

To AryanaT for giving me inspiration, it was really nice of you to offer up some ideas & got me thinking (you really did help me hon, & for that, I am grateful 😊) I love your personality, mind & I love you doll 💋💋💋

To PrincesShadeFace for being such a epic human, this was also part of your present from me (I know, my brain ain't shit). Marny, I am glad that you are here with us all to spread the purple love that is needed & is required (plus stitches 😭). I love you bae 💋💋💋

To BluebellaMortimer for being a lovely sweet person with a awesome mind. I am happy to call you a friend also 😍. If it weren't for you with the Holiday Story Exchange, I would have just went on with my business I guess. I love you hon 💋💋💋

To amoniquebee for being such a sweetheart, you are an amazing person as well & I am glad to have met you 😊 You have a lovely mind I enjoy the way you think. I hope you have a beautiful birthday today(you got a gift coming your way too 😏). I love you darling 💋💋💋

To keiathegypsy purdybvbgirl1990 XXXtraloveable & QueenOfDisco for being a lovely damn fools (be doing shit 😭). Y'all asses be doing the most, but that's what I love about you all. Y'all are just too much & I enjoy it. Amazing people that makes me needs stitches besides Marny 😏. Love all your crazy asses 💋💋💋

To ShortyRaRa you are a lovely human, such a sweetie (what am I? Old?). I enjoy your lovely designs & your personality that you put into them, I just enjoy you in general. I personally hope you are feeling better too, I love you doll 💋💋💋

To purplecandlelight for being so enthusiastically awesome 😍 I am glad that you are the person that you are. Don't change for nobody & keep the love flowing. I love you honey 💋💋💋

To wreka_stow for being an amazing person also. I am grateful to have met you also & just to say that *sniffles* I love you dolling 💋💋💋

Willie: Hey, look here... I know that you all teary eyed n shit, but ain't nobody got time for this. You gotta do like Rihanna & get back to: Work work work work work work! Get on with it!

*slowly turns to Willie*

Willie: What? Just saying...

*turns on shock collar*


And last but not least, K_N_M222 you are awesome lovely. I am glad to have done this storyline for you (Honestly, I had too much fun with it 😏). I am happy that you enjoyed it so far, but now 😢 it must come to an end. Thank you so much for suggesting this for the Holiday Story Exchange. This story wouldn't exist if it weren't for you. I love you honey 💋💋💋

Honestly, this story wouldn't exist without all of you. I appreciate you all & love to you all more than I can say(I got lazy typing out to each & everyone, sorry 😔) 💋💋💋

*sniffling while wiping my tears & dragging Willie's unconscious body*

Now, it's time for me to go back to work. Be ready in a few days guys! I love you all 💜💋🌈

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