07: piano

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"I can sing about how love is a losing battle"

Chapter 7: piano

Chapter 7: piano

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It's the most basic, the most human, emotion.

As kids, we're afraid of everything. The dark, the bogeyman under the bed, and we pray for morning, for those monsters to go away.

Though they never do, not really.

Just ask Jason Blossom.


Casey James, the thought to be toughest girl, the sassiest, maybe the smartest, and probably the most helpful, girl is kind of depressed.

Why? You may ask, well, let me explain.

7 hours before, 10:30pm.

"Ronnie, can I sleep over again. I don't want to be alone tonight." Casey James asked her best friend. The girl in question nodded excitedly.

"Yes! Please do. Oh gosh this is going to be so much fun! Let's go to the store and pick up face mask." The raven haired girl ushered.

CJ was about to respond, when the sound of quaking ducks sounded from her purse.

She's getting a phone call.

She checked the caller ID, but it merely said 'blocked'. Strange. Quickly apologizing to Veronica she answered the phone.

Oh what a mistake that was.


She heard an intake of breathe.

"Is anyone there--"


She hung up.


Present time.

Hours later, Veronica Lodge couldn't get Casey to budge. The two rarely ever keep secrets from each other. But when when they do, it ends up being said anyways.

Naturally, Ronnie could tell when Casey was lying. Like she's doing right now.

"It's nothing, Ronnie. It's fine." The brunette forced a smile.

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