Their power ~Pt. 1

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Aphmau pov

The guys and I were sitting in my backyard eating nachos, when

"want to go to the ARCADE?!" Sky said jumping onto the table

"Yes if you get off my table." I said

"YEEEEEE" said ross while he jumped out his chair

I roll my eyes. How did these people become my friends? I walk up stairs to my room to grab my purple sassy purse. I turned the corner to run smack onto my door. I HATE YOU DOOR. As I get off the floor I am greeted by Aaron smiling at me trying to hold in laughter.

"What did you hit this time?"

"I sware I'm gonna destroy all the doors in the world!"

"So it was a door?"


"Annnny way move your butt I need to grab my purse" I said

A/N help me the grammar police aka undertale_1210 is breathing down my neck

"where are you going?"

"To mah room bruh. :P"

"Oh, Ok...Why do you need your purse?" Aaron asks me suspiciously.


I look at my phone

Sky-where the butter are you at jess

Aph- I am coming if SOMEONE would stop being nosey


Aph- Sky I sware I will melt all your butter


Aph- Try me bruh


I laughed to myself. Aaron looked at me with a confused look. I looked at him and scoffed at him then walked in and grabbed my purse and ran outside. I glare back at the house and see Aaron staring out the window. I sigh and walk back inside.

"You want to come?"


"yeah yeah... if you come ill buy you a churro when we get there."


I laugh to myself and walk out the door with Aaron following not to far behind. Sky walks up to me with Max behind him and says,

"what is he doing here?"

"He SAYS he didn't want to come but when i walked out the door he was staring out the window like a puppy." I whisper in his ear.


A/N I didn't know Aaron was a stair?

...Aaron stares at me and looks back at them in a way like 'Is he on drugs?' I look back at him like 'I don't know anymore.' Then Jin says

"Are we going or what. Were walking by the way."

"Yeah let's go." I said then started walking and Max went over and walked next to her, Aaron came up next to me and put his arm around while giving Max a death glare. Max glares back at him and growls. I hang my head down and i start a mind link with Ross,


He says 'Cause they like you.'

'NO DUR SHERLOCK' I say sassily


'Plz help meh' He sighs and comes up behind me, picks me up, and puts me on his shoulders. I yell

"IM TALL!!!! YAYYYYY!!"Aaron growls and Max's eyes turn LITERALY into fire.

3rd Person POV

Jess was happily messing with Ross's fluffy hair with two laughing boys behind her and to very hot headed boys trailing behind in the back. When suddenly she heard an annoying voice coming form an ally infront of her saying

"Well well well, its the geek squad and their queen. You've come back I see, little Aphy."


"Oh no, he angered the Jess. NO ONE, NOT EVEN JIN CAN CALL HER THAT!" Sky and Ross said in sync. Aaron walked up to him and tried to push him away but instead the Tyler made a dark aura ball and shot it at Aaron which made him fall into the busy street.




So this is now a co write with undertale_1210 so she will be writing with me so yeah. You just read her chappie so... hope you enjoyed. stay tuned for Pt.2 . Which will hopefully be out tomorrow!

~ Author~sama

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