Their Powers pt.2

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Aphmau's POV

Aaron falls into the street and something happened that I never thought would happen. Ross froze the car but Aaron's arm was stuck under the car. I rushed over and so did the guys. Max ran over and Unfroze the car as Sky blew it away off of Aaron's arm. I skid on my knees ignoring the pain and put my hands on his arm. A glowing light surrounded us. When it went away his arm was better and we were in the middle of the road. Luckily nobody was around. Max walked over and punched Tyler in da fayce.
"Max! Let him go! We already did enough!"
Max growled at Tyler and kicked him in the shin then walked off. Tyler ran for his life in horror. Aaron was staring at us

"What the hell just happen" he said

"...................stuff.............." i sat

Do u want to know the truth" said sky

He nods his head

Ok then..Once upon a time there was twin children born of the shadow load and irean,these children happen to be aphmau and jin. Early on they found out about their powers. Soon after that me and the guys meet jin and aphmau. We all formed a very tight bond. When a shadow tried to attack us one day jin and aphmau used their powers to save us. That is when we found out. Then one day when exploring a cave we found a amulet,we touched it and we were turned into hybrids. On top of being the 2 most powerful people in the world,jin and aphmau became 100 times more powerful. This is when we all began to train. As we started we had decided that we would try to be normal and hid our powers but as shadows our age challenged us we made many enemies who wished our death. After a very near death battle aphmau decided to go and live normal life.we could not argued because we understood. After she left we lived our lives, no matter who much we missed her

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