Chapter 6

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"Chazy, honey, it's time to wake up!" Talinda knocked on Chester's door.

Chester moaned dramatically as he dragged himself upright.

"Morning, Tals." he smiled weakly. "The kids okay? How long have you been up for? Oh, fucking goddamned hell- WHAT TIME IS IT?" He blurted out, noticing the bright sunlight streaming through the paint-chipped windows.

"Dad. Chill." A groggy Isaiah stretched out next to him, who had also just woken up in his worn inflatable bed. Tyler, still in a deep slumber, stirred next to him, absentmindedly extending his arm and twisting it under his pillow.

"Calm down, silly. It's only 8 in the morning. A Saturday morning, as well. Your job at the cafe doesn't start till around 9:15, remember? And remember to watch your language around the kids, especially the twins; they're both easily influenced by their surroundings so we have to set a good model for them. And..." her voice dropped a notch, "remember that they sleep in the same room as us too. Thankfully they had woken up already and are in the kitchen having breakfast.

"You know that we all have to be compacted into one room, but based on our income is really is the best that we can do. With my job at the Fancy Waves hair salon, yours at the Bean Tree cafe, Jaime's-"

"Hey. Someone call me?" Jaime poked his head into the room, scratching his nose. "By the way, Lila spilled her sippy cup all over the floor and Lily burped out a glob of puke."

"- job at the music store," Talinda continued, giving her son a look, "and Isaiah's job at the afterschool academy... Jaime, honey, I'd appreciate it if you'd clean as much of the mess up as you can. I'll be there in a moment as soon as I'm finished speaking with your father.

"Well, it's a miracle we're holding the fort down at all, with five kids in the house. And they all have to go to college sooner or later. I don't know if Samantha is leaving Draven's expenses to us... she hopefully won't. We can barely afford to pay off our normal bills and we have to work on our debts. I just don't know anymore." she sighed, wiping her brow.

Her husband placed a reassuring hand on Talinda's shoulder.

"Hey, we'll manage. We always will." Chester grinned, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

The corners of her mouth curled upwards in a weary smile.

"We'll manage," She echoed, and the couple remained silent for a moment, taking in the sounds of Isaiah getting out of bed and preparing to take his morning shower.

"I'd better go help poor Jaime with the twins. He's been doing such a wonderful job with looking after them... I find it impossible as to how to express my gratitude to him. Oh, and Isaiah, sweetie, you can't take your morning shower today. Remember our planned water usage schedule? Today's morning shower goes to Tyler. The day after tomorrow is when it's your turn. If anything, just wipe a wet cloth all over yourself or spray a bit of air freshener around you to reduce the smell." She exhaled and headed to the kitchen. As her hair was swept over her shoulder, Chester caught a glimpse of silver in her hair.

Ah, it's growing back again. She's only in her mid-thirties... I wish we could be wealthier or more fortunate so she couldn't have to work so hard all the time.

No. What am I thinking? His other side argued. I'm fucking lucky enough to have a loving family!

But this loving family could be improved... If we had more money. We'd have more time to spend with each other and-


"Dad? Your face is turning red. You okay there?" his blonde-haired son laid a hand on Chester's shoulder. Chester jolted out of his subconscious state, hitting the taut lamp power cord which in turn knocked the lamp to the floor.

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