Chapter 8

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** A/N I originally had Shiri Appleby in the story instead of Erika, because it wasn't until later that I found out there were rumors that Rob had "married a German woman" and he was "dating a blonde called Erika since 2012". I'm going along with the so-called romance, if there is any, between Erika and Rob but if the story is proved to be false then I will edit everything back to Shiri. Or maybe not. xD

Yesterday I was also lucky enough to be selected to attend the listening session of the currently unreleased album The Hunting Party in NYC, and let me tell you all, Linkin Park really put their heart and soul into their new record and it clearly shows through. Can't wait for June 17 so everyone can hear the musical workings of the inspiration for this fan fiction. **


"See you later, Jonah! We'll pick you up at 2:30."

"Have fun!" Elisa called out after her son.

He meekly waved a hand and took his spot at the School, and immediately began whispering and giggling with his friends.

The couple headed out to the local café, The Bean Tree, after a long hour or so of sitting in church. The noise of afternoon chatter was somehow soothing and helped Brad get to work on his cases, which is why he headed to the café as often as possible as to be more productive.

A chiming of bells rang out as Brad and Elisa entered the café, which, right by the local synagogue in the middle of a busy community on Sunday, was bustling with customers.

The only empty seats were near a mother and her whining toddler and man with wavy brown, jaw-length hair. The obvious choice? To sit as far away as possible from the mess of a kid throwing a fit.

A pair of wire-rimmed glasses balanced on the bridge of the man's nose as he stuck a tuft of hair behind his ears and turned the newspaper page. He innocently chewed on a home-made sandwich while drumming his fingers on the table.

"Pardon, sir, do you go to the Anshe Emet Synagouge as well?" Brad instantly spotted something familiar about the man.

"Yes, sir. What a pleasure it is to meet the both of you," the other man rose and firmly shook Elisa and Brad's hands.

"The pleasure is ours, sir." Elisa smiled, tucking a curl of her hair behind her ears. "I'm Elisa, and this is my husband, Brad."

"Nice to meet you both; I'm Robert, but please, call me Rob."

A spark of recognition could be suddenly seen in the two men's eyes.

"Wait- THE Robby? Middle school and high school Robby? No." His curly jewfro bobbed excitedly as Brad reached over and gave Rob a nudge.

"Big Bad Brad," the man spoke, and in that moment they were 14-year-old best friends once more.

"It is so good to see you! Where the heck have you been all these years? I can't believe I haven't bumped into you- except at the synagogue." a genuine smile lit up Rob's face- a rare occasion.

"We'll, you know. Solving the occasional case, doing all those important crap jobs that a lawyer does." A pair of twinkling eyes sported a set of premature bird's feet at the edges, a sure indication of a happy owner to which those eyes belonged to. "The real question is, how are you?!"

The conversation ended for Elisa, who politely stepped outside to catch some fresh air since the smell of roasted coffee proved was too overwhelming for her.

"I am amazing, thank you so much." Brad's eyes crinkled with the hint of a wide smile held back.

At the vibrating buzz of his phone in his pocket, He glanced at his watch and his eyes widened. "Unfortunately, I must go now- I'm supposed to be meeting my brother so he could introduce me to his newest girlfriend," he sighed, as if to say, 'brothers, am I right?'

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