Chapter 2

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Dear Diary:

It's been two weeks since I'm in Eichen. Every day is pretty much the same, I wake up I eat, the nurses gives us medicines to keep us calmed, although they don't work on me, and then I wait in the courtyard for the group session with my therapist, Mrs. Morrell.

But today was different. Some guy approached me before the group session. I knew him. He was one of Scott's friends, he helped to change me back. I punched him right in the face, I hated him so much for doing this to me. Guards surrounded me and they almost took me to the close unit, that's where they keep the real psychos. If being here was bad, being there was a nightmare.


Something nice finally happened. My first period ended. My life is terrible right now but that is definitely something good. Being a coyote was much easier, blood didn't pour out of you.

When Mrs. Morrell told me about periods I was disgusted, I was always curious about from where babies came from but I never thought it would be such a weird process. But the sex part was fine, I guess, apart from telling me that it would hurt like hell she also said it was a good way to connect with someone you love. But I don't think I'll ever find that. It would mean that someone will love me and be okay with the fact that I killed my mother and Kylie, and I could never accept that.

I'm so cold... I guess I'll have to take a shower.

I feel so stupid writing this.


Dear Diary//Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now