Ghosts of our Pasts

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Prompt (from writing-prompt-s on Tumblr): Every time one of your romantic relationships ends, a ghost of the person stays behind, visible only to you.

I crashed to the floor. Tears spilled out of my eyes and splashed on the floor. Why. What did I do to deserve this? I thought I finally escaped him. He left physical marks on my body, and in me. I left, but now he doesn't stop following me. I am living a personal hell. I want nothing to do with him. He won't leave, he can't leave. He looks like a ghost, semi transparent. Like a memory that is always in the back of your head. His cold, dead eyes bore holes in the back of my head. He is always staring. He never blinks. He floats behind me. If it's not enough to leave these scars, I must live with his constant presence. i try and ignore him for most of the day. I'm usually able to make it through a work day. People are usually confused why I'm always looking over my shoulder. They don't know the pain I've been through. They don't know the blood shed. They don't know.

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