3: The letter

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(Stalker/Claude pov)

I watched Sebastian get into the Arctic blue car and it smoothly backed out of the driveway. I know that he killed me but I can't be mad at him. The endless guilt and crushing pain showed each and every time I saw him and he was slowly getting into a crippling depression. This mating season just like the others for 150 years really took a toll. My mate is probably in unbearable condition from him not having his release for so long.

I want to claim him again showing him I'm still alive and we can go back to the way things were before. I have to make myself known in some way shape or form. I know Sebastian lives alone because Ciel moved out after they had a big blowout and decided to separate as roommates. I stride over to the stairs and lifted the rug to find his spare key.

A typical place to hide a key if you ask me.

I strolled into the two story house bringing with me a some items with me: a few cameras which I can see what Sebastian is doing and a pen and paper to write a letter so I can be heard by and maybe cheer up the bleak depressing raven.

The 1st camera, out of 5, I wandered into his lightly shaded bedroom of creams and light chocolates. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th camera goes into the hallways of the home. The last and final camera stays in the living room.

I sit on the khaki brown couch and dig for the pen and paper and start to write to the love of my life about how I forgive him and I'm not even dead so if he wants me he'll have to find me. I leave the note in the kitchen, a place he's guaranteed to look in because he may not need to eat, Sebastian still likes to.

My time to leave this house is now because I also know Sebastian's a party pooper as his flamingo friend Victoria calls him. I walk out the house and re-lock the door and shuffle back to my apartment, I have a shit ton of paperwork that I didn't start yet.

(Sebastian pov)

The party was cut short because we were kicked out of the place. That was because Victoria beat up a guy and puked up her breakfast and lunch on the owner. As I parked the car because of how drunk off her ass she was. Sadly I couldn't get drunk because I was the designated driver. I trotted into the kitchen to make Victoria some dinner and get her some water to flush the alcohol out of her system.

But, when I got there, a message in an envelope saying 'read me Michaelis' in a handwriting thats do familiar yet so foreign. I took the letter into my bedroom so Victoria doesn't get any whiff of my personal matters. The letter had a light musky masculine scent that I could recall but it wasn't clicking who it belonged to. I opened the letter so see who sent me this and started to read:

My dearest love,

I wrote to you to tell you I forgive you about Ciel and that I miss you so very much, I still love you my dark dove and to prove it I have a meeting place for us on this Friday at Rose Fawn park at precisely 10 o'clock at night (north eastern time), I plan for us to be together again and I hope that nothing will come between us like the last time.

Love your 8 legged mate,
Claude Faustus

I can't believe it he's still alive! My heart started to beat faster at the thought of us meeting again and being together again. I can finally be happy again and make sure I don't blow my chance like the last time with Ciel's soul. There's so many emotions spilling out of me of the thought that Claude's alive and wishes to hold me like he used to.

The feelings of joy and excitement rush through my veins. I just realized that Claude must have been behind all the murders because he just wanted my attention and that was his way to let me know that he was really willing to take me back. So this stalker was just Claude all along. The fact that he was my stalker lifted a large weight off my shoulders.

Apparently he also wants to meet up with him in Rose Fawn Park at 10 o'clock this Friday. I'm going and if Victoria or Ciel ask I'll just tell them I'm going to get a mate.

It's technically not a lie because I will be getting a mate, my mate back in my arms and I don't plan on letting him go this time. I strode over to my bed clutching the letter within my grasp against my lean chest as I plopped right into the bed. I grinned knowing I'll see him in only 2 days, it seems like distant time for me but my sexy musky tarantula is very much worth it. The Fact that Claude was maybe inside this room was enough to make me roll over and deeply inhale my pillow to see if he left any type of scent.

But, to my disappointment he didn't. That wasn't as important as how Claude had forgave me for stabbing him and leaving him for the buzzards. I felt a pang of remaining guilt over my childish and greedy actions over a single particular soul and risked my relationship with Claude.

The smell of his dominating musky scent remained on the letter and I lifted the letter up to my nose and breathed in slowly enjoying the aroma of my spider. As I inhale and exhale my crimson irises get slowly covered by my fluttering eyelids trying to fight away the sleepiness to feel closer to Claude.

The lids of my eyes won the battle and I slept to Claude's fragrance invading my senses.

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