5: late night meetings

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(Sebastian pov)

Tonight is the night that I'm going to meet claude, I missed him so much and I'm shivering in my seat due to excitement while driving myself to the park where it said in Claude's letter.

'Damn, I sound just like lady Elizabeth when she would come over to see Ciel back during Ciel's human life.' I thought how much I acted like her lately, like being like a stereotypical woman in a romance novel: the gushing, blushing and the emotional state of being miserable coming to an end because of my Prince Charming or Claude in this case of a stereotypical romance novel.

I see see a dark dirt road that I would have never seen if I were human leading me into a secluded area so I turned my steering wheel towards it dragging my car in its direction.The road leading up to the park was misty, rundown broken like that character from a children's tale, Humpty Dumpty after he fell off that wall and cracked.

I still feel gut wrenchingly guilty for killing him, even if he says he has forgiven me and I feel as if this is a trick for Claude to betray me and kill me on the spot. My body is full of tucked away lust from my godforsaken heat and the happiness floated around me in a tight tension. I sadly didn't drink the rust coloured herb to calm my horny and jittery nerves for I just never had the time to swallow the heat blocking Iacross.

I try to send them to tranquility but, it's all in vain because, The small rotten teakwood sign leading into a small park with no possible way to enter except walking into the twisted gloomy thicket, sent me into a panicking frenzy and I decided to quickly look behind me to see if Ciel or Victoria had followed me but, thank a higher entity that neither of them followed me.

When I left to go to the park,Ciel and Victoria were very curious about where I was heading to and insisted that they came with me, which I quickly had shut them down for unfolding my plot to meet my ex lover before Alois' and Ciel's time. I swear those two follow me like lost puppies and piss me off sometimes but, I guess that's because they love me like an older brother and I love them like little siblings.

I parked my car behind a grouping of bushes that were tall enough to cover it without any spectators to know my presence in the melancholy backwoods. As soon as I parked, I sprang out of my car almost catching my foot against the tree roots around me and slipping into my face.

My feet automatically get going into the large group of decaying trees and maybe animals if I came across one which would most likely happen. The fact of the matter was maybe Claude would have tricked me here just to kill me like I did to him not letting the incident go.

A rustling of rotten branches caught my attention from my depressing thoughts about Claude ending me, getting his vengeance and I snapped my head to the sound so hard that if I was human I would be laying in deaths bed.

A elevated figure that I know oh too well appeared and when he emerged from the twisted thicket his honey suckle eyes lock onto my vermillion gaze. I lost myself in the paralyzing grip his butterscotch eyes had on me.

Claude trotted over to me and put a hand against my cheek as scolding hot water blurs my vision and wraps his other one around my waist embracing me.

(Narrators pov)

Claude took Sebastian into his arms whispering sweet nothings into his ear causing more tears to cascade down his porcelain cheeks.

"I missed you," Sebastian's voice was muffled due to being nuzzled in Claude chest causing Claude to hold him tighter and slowly drags his digits through Sebastian's raven tresses.

"I missed you as well my beloved kitten." Claude bent down to put his chin on Sebastian's shoulder cuddling with his mate, Claude sniffed the air and getting splashed with a strong scent of cinnamon with a strong hint of vanilla.

"Is there another demon nearby?" Claude asked confused now noticing the intoxicating gripping scent in the air, not recognizing the perfume as Sebastian's mating call out to him. Sebastian now blushing because he knew that the fragrance was due to his heat trying to call out to his older mate.

Sebastian decided to stay quiet pushing his face into Claude's broad shoulder until Claude lent back down and dug his nose into Sebastian's neck and inhaled. Claude's eyes widen because now, realizing that the stimulating perfume came from his beloved Sebastian.

"You're in heat aren't you love?" Claude smirked while he held Sebastian within arms length to stare him in the eyes, smirking when Sebastian's vermillion orbs locked onto the ground and avoided peering into Claude's mustard irises, letting a deep shade of ruby spread across his porcelain cheeks matching his eyes so beautifully.

Claude slowly stroked Sebastian's milky arms causing Sebastian to shutter and writhe at Claude's delicate touching.

Claude had decided to put the flame out of his love's desires and took Sebastian to his vehicle and left Sebastian's taurus behind to be picked up by a tow truck later.

The two demonic lovers who were now reunited with one another hopped into Claude's sleek onyx Mercedes Benz and drove over to Claude's house

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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