4: Flashbacks

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(Flashbacks - narrators pov)

It was a late humid mid summer afternoon and everyone was enjoying the beautiful sunshine and heat except for the raven demon, known as Constantine Michealis for his current owner had named him that. Constantine overall hated the sun because it represented happiness and warmth which is something he'll never obtain after the untimely death of his mother Lilith, who was unfortunately exorcised by a priest after she had possessed a local woman. She may had been a bitch but, she was his mother and one doesn't simply forget somebody that important in their life no matter what happened between the two parties.

As the raven haired boy that appeared to be in his late teens sat in the tree. the branches shading him in the glutton ridden shadows hiding the monster sitting beneath them. As Constantine was scoping the area another sickly pale skinned man had walked by the tree but his attire was that of a high up general unlike Sebastian who wore a servant's uniform consisting of a knee length short sleeved tunic showing his status of a slave for a higher up roman.

The man was wearing a obsidian vest with a golden sash across his chest, epaulettes with whisks at the edges hung on his broad shoulders bringing his form to a higher authority and elegance. Also, his attire was more futuristic than what the human people of this time would wear.

The wind ran its unseeable digits trough the man's unkept onyx hair letting it flow around his head gracefully like a halo, even if he's far from being an angel.

The man's appearance was very attractive in the raven's wine eyes. From his pineapple irises, pale flawless complexion, mid neck length hair flowing like a river framing his face gracefully, to the man's sharp jawline and overall masculine figure.

Said man looked around him to see if he was alone but alas, he realized that he wasn't when his honey orbs locked on to a scarlet gaze dulled down by the shadows. Constantine jumped down from the high up tree and bask in the sunlight to see up close who this stranger was and what business the other demon had in this area considering that maybe his master was at risk from this anonymous demon.

"Hello, and who might you be?" the man's voice was monotone and deep like the ocean and when Constantine looked over the man, said stranger stepped closer to the raven acknowledging his beige tunic symbolizing that this red eyed stranger was within the binding grip of a contract and that he might be on the defence about him being in his masters domain.

"Hello, I am Constantine Michealis the slave to the Augustus dynasty," Constantine introduced himself and bowed to the honey orbed man in hopes to retrieve his name as well because, his master had taught him to have proper respect for strangers that he didn't know no matter what kind of person they are.

"I am Alastair," Alastair's tone was bleak and smooth like a steady river. Now Constantine was very suspicious about why hell's grand torturer would be in the human realm. The obvious older of the two gripped the younger's chin within a pristine midnight glove and locked his gaze deep into a vermillion stare of surprise.

"How about you tell me your actual name and not the pet name you were given by your owner," Alastair brought the conversation back to life while his head was tilted in a seductive manner causing Constantine to blush profusely and being angry at his feminine action.

"Fine, my name is Malphas," Constantine stated just to get the older demon off his back about his true demonic name. The man wrapped a onyx covered sleeve around Constantine's waist

"See? Was that very hard? You know 'Constantine' you look rather lovely for a human slave especially with those beautiful blood red eyes of yours, do you wish to chat someplace quieter?" Alastair ran his covered digits through Constantine's onyx hair hoping to coax the young demon into being alone with him.

Constantine's face was instantly coated with a bright cherry red at Alastair's compliment and the desire to be alone with him. But, Constantine even though he should have said no, nodded his head and followed Alastair to a secluded spot right by a glittering pool of cerulean.

"How old are you 'Constantine'?" The elder demon with a piercing golden gaze locked onto the younger whose crimson orbs were glued to the ground.

"I'm 119," Constantine's voice was shaking at the authority of Alastair in all his dominant glory. Alastair was momentarily stunned by the age of the living allurement

"Do you have a mate Constantine?" Alastair gripped the boys chin within his digits as he ogled his glistening ruby irises looking for an answer to see if anybody had marked this beauty all for themselves.

"N-no! I um, I don't want to be chained to someone who might just hurt me or use me for the rest if my life," Constantine's focus was pinned to the ground for he was too scared to face the embarrassment from the older demon that he didn't have one for his fear.

Alastair was shocked yet again at the fact that nobody had claimed the petite adolescent and this knowledge gave Alastair the courage to ask another ballsy question to the raven haired boy,

"Would you wish to mate with me?" Alastair picked the boys head up to look him in the eyes and when he did he noticed that the youth had a layer of bright salmon coating his cheeks at the question of a possible suitor.

"I don't know, what if you hurt me?" Constantine's eyes started to water at the possibility of being abused by a person who claimed to love him.

"Don't worry my little raven, I'll protect you," Alastair brought a gloved hand to the back of the raven's head and pressed his lips to the young petite raven's plump ones.

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