Day 1: IS OVER!

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Yes, the holidays are over, new classes are united and HighSchool Exposed is back, buttheads! We're here with a whole new class and a whole new set of students to expose. The first day is officially over and here's the main opinions of our teachers.

Period 1 - Mr Serathides: 

DUDE! The letters 't' and 'h' make a 'th' sound, not a 'f' sound! Come on! You're a MATHS teacher, not a MAFS teachers. We'd RAFER you pronounce FOSE pesky 'TH' sounds. It's super annoying.

Period 2 - Miss Jane:

Let's get our learning on! Miss Jane seems like a cool teacher, she wanted to know our preferred learning method and that's cool and stuff but cut back on the chitchat.

Period 3 - Mr Luka:

Two words. SHUT UP! For reals! You talked for 20 MINUTES about some random worksheet that we're never going to need again. Hands up if you zoned out after two minutes. Yeah, we did too. You seem nice enough Mr Luka but...

Period 4 - Mr Tardis:

A newbie teacher! Our opinion is that Mr Tardis seems pretty ok. And that's a compliment! But can any teacher be that good? We've got our eyes on you Mr Tardis.

Period 5 - Mr Abote:

Umm... What can we say about Mr Abote? Nothing really. Just...yeah...

Today in a nutshell? Who can say? What we can say is...


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