Know This

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I want you to know..

I think about you everyday,
Right when I wake up, and right when I get into bed.

I'll stay up all night, waiting for you to message me..
Cause I can't sleep without knowing you're okay..

I need you to know I'll always love you, and that I can't put anyone above you.
Even if I find someone else, I'll still be in love with you. I could never replace you.

Just cause I'm young, doesn't mean I'm too young to know whats going on.
I know what I am feeling, what I'm feeling is real. I'm not too young.

I will try to wait for you, but if you move on without me.. I'll put on a brave face, then a fake smile, tell you everything is okay.
But I'll be glad you found someone better than me.

I worry. I know that sounds strange. But I worry about your well being.
I will be there if you need someone to talk to, and I won't judge you. I won't leave your side. I will listen to every word you have to say.

I cry when you just disappear.
Cause I don't know if you will come back..
Or just leave me there by myself, alone..

I'm not perfect. I will never be perfect.
If its perfection you want from me, I'm sorry but I can't give that to you. No matter how hard I try.

I'll always love you.
No matter what.
You will always be that part of my life
The part I will never forget

If you think I don't love you, please rethink that.
I do.
I always will.
I won't ever stop.
Even if you just want us to be nothing more
Just friends...

I'll respect that.
I won't question it.
I will deal with it.
I will try to get it through my stubborn head
And my stubborn heart.


Thats what I've been told

But I don't think its true

My wounds don't heal

As fast as others' do

But I conclude this with saying

I love you

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