What I tell Myself Everyday

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(Don't read if you don't want to hear some uh.. Depressing things I guess)

I'm a bitch

I'm ugly

I'm worthless

No one could ever love me

I'm alone no matter who says they are by my side

I'm a whore and a slut, even though I've done nothing

I'm too skinny, I need to gain wait so people won't judge me

Smile though the pain

How much longer do I have to live?

When will this end?

Why aren't I good enough?

I can't keep living like this.. Maybe today will be the end.

I keep thinking, maybe today I will die, but it never happens. I ask myself, "Why am I still here?" I get no answer, except I keep living..

I have depression, and I live in a stressful life. My life isn't perfect.

If one day, I'm gone, don't look for me.. Just forget I was here, forget my name, forget I existed. You'd be better off that way.

I don't care about myself. I worry about you all more.

But I know I'm not good enough for you all.

I try

I fail

Whats the use? Why do I keep fighting? I don't have anything anymore. Can't I just give up?

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