Fourteen- Cut Them Off At Sea

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I came downstairs as the show wrapped up, said my good nights to the cast, and retreated back to my room. Lin told me that Jasmine and Anthony would be taking me to buy a cell phone tomorrow.

"But I really don't-" I protested.

Lin flipped his hair. "As the kids say, 'Merry Christmas'. This isn't up for vote."

"But you could just call it a Christmas gift from all of you," I said reasonably. "I mean, Christmas is in three days."

He shook his head adamantly, Ham Hair flying. "No. Accept this! Good night!"

He pretended to have a cape, and hooked the cape mysteriously over his face as he exited. Leslie, giving me an eye roll, followed him.

After making sure everyone was gone, I shut off the lights and went upstairs. I pulled my covers up and, without taking off my shoes, fell asleep.

When I woke up, I realized that Lin hadn't given me a time to be ready by, so I quickly changed clothes and brushed my teeth. I ran my fingers through my hair once and, building my Internal and External Confidence Wall for the day, winked roguishly at my reflection.

Donning my muddy green coat and grabbing my book, I plodded down the stairs to the lobby. I sat down on the grand central staircase and began to read.

I was just getting to the end of a rather intense part when the door of the theater opened. Anthony popped his head inside. "Alex? Come on!" He said, spotting me. I scuttled out of the building, setting my book in a fake potted plant. That way, even if I didn't get back to the theater in time, it wouldn't disrupt the flow of the crowd tonight.

A warm cup was pressed into my hands as Anthony closed the door behind me. I accepted it and made myself look at Jasmine. Her huge smile faded as she saw my disgruntled expression. "What's wrong?"

I pulled my hand down my face. "I don't need a phone. I don't particularly want a phone either."

Jasmine's smile was hesitant for a split second before she grabbed my hand. "Too bad, you get one anyway!"

I glanced imploringly at Anthony, who shrugged. "I was told to buy you a phone, and buy you a phone I shall."

They dragged me to the Verizon store, where Jasmine showed me an array of iPhones. I couldn't help but overhear a woman discussing with one of the employees.

"We need a copy of the service member's ID," the employee said. The woman hesitated. "But it's illegal to copy an ID, and my husband is deployed at the moment. I'm sure mine should suffice-"

"No, we need the service member's. Did you read the sign?" The employee said, sounding annoyed.

The customer drew herself up. "Actually, I did. It said that you are in the business of helping the military!"

I clenched my fists as the employee snidely replied, "We are in the business of helping the military, just not military families."

I broke myself away from Jasmine and Anthony and stormed over to the employee. "Excuse me, miss, would you say that again?"

The employee looked startled at my intrusion, but repeated herself. "We are in the business of helping the military, but not military families."

I grabbed the customer's arm, and she stood up with me. With controlled fury, I said, "Well, Miss Verizon, I will be taking my business to the AT&T store three doors down, as I would encourage everyone within earshot to. You- you disgust me."

The employee, seeming to have realized what she said, began to object, but the woman whose arm I was holding cut her off. "And don't think I won't be telling my wive's group about this. You will never have another customer from my squadron."

Anthony and Jasmine came over as we flounced out the door, accompanied by three other customers. Anthony frowned and crossed his arms. "You want to share what that was all about?"

The woman next to me coughed. "My name is Sarah Wilson. I'm visiting this city from Virginia Beach- my sister lives here, and it's her birthday in a few days. I managed to drop my phone in the kitchen sink last night, and as a Verizon customer of five years, I had assumed I would be treated better than that. I can see now that I was incorrect."

"What happened?" Jasmine asked. Sarah Wilson continued. "I tried to ask for the military deal-" she gestured to a sign for the deal in the window "-and she told me that she needed a copy of the service member's ID card. It's illegal to copy your identification card, as I told her. Thank you, young lady."

I dragged my toe on the sidewalk. "It was nothing."

Sarah Wilson straightened her shoulders. "Well! I'm going to go pay the T-Mobile store a visit and see if they can't match Verizon's price. Thanks again!" And she strode away.

Anthony glanced at Jasmine, then at me. "Now I can see why Lin says you're always hurt. You just can't stay out of a fight, can you?"

I spread my arms winningly. "What can I say?"

We got to the AT&T store, and we left with one iPhone 6s. I had been leaning towards the simpler flip phones, but Jasmine was insistent.

I was stammering my thanks all the way up the street until Jasmine stopped me with a question. "What made you step in there? You're not military."

I hesitated. "I had a friend who was military. But also, people are willing to give their lives for their country's freedom. I respect that, and I get that their families make sacrifices too. They deserve just as much respect as their service members."

After a brief silence, Anthony said, "Well, you've certainly got a better grip on it than most people. Come on, I'm hungry, and there's this great pizza place about two blocks away."

We bustled through the streets, and sure enough, Anthony's suggestion was worthwhile. The pizza was delicious. We ate, paid, and headed back to the theater.

"Thanks again!" I called as Anthony closed the door behind them. As the latch clicked, I grabbed my book out of the plant and ran up to my room. Violet launched herself at me, a bundle of meows. I picked her up and flopped on the bed. Hesitantly, I texted one of the two numbers in the device.

>> Hey Jasmine! It's Alex- just making sure this thing works

Jasmine's reply hummed back in seconds.

> Lol, it's fine

I glanced at Violet. "What does 'lol' mean?"

Violet mewed.

Alexandra HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now