The Result

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Kaylub gingerly woke up and felt a body moving under him. He blinks then looks up to see a smirking god of mischief. He looked at their position and took a deep breath and got up. The others were up by now and were watching. He looked around at them and Loki, who was sitting up by now, and just walked to his room. "I wasn't expecting that kind of response." Bucky said as Ultron nodded.
"I thought he would either hit me, scream, or even blush."
"He was blushing." They all look at Scarlet. "He was blushing in his mind." She said and walked off. The rest of the group was silent as Loki decided to go talk to him. He was at his door and knocked. He heard shuffling on the other side.
"It's not locked." Which was Kaylubs way of saying come in. He entered and looked to see Kaylub sitting by his bed. "What do you want?" He said in his usual monotone voice. Loki sat next to him on the bed looking at him. He noticed a slight redding in his eyes sorta like he was crying or was about to. Kaylub noticed Loki staring and stood up. "If you have nothing to-" he was then pulled into Lokis arms as he held him close to him. He was shocked as he could hear his heartbeat. They stayed like that for a while till Kaylub regained his mind and pushed away from him. "What was that for!?!" He yelled at him, his eyes showing his anger. Loki just smiled.
"Thought you could use a hug." He said as Kaylub just sucked his teeth before exiting his room grabbing his jacket.
"I'll be back for dinner!" He yelled inside the building before getting lost in the busy streets of New York City. He walked and thought for a long while before he realized where he was. He scoffed at himself as he looked up at the empty lot. It was empty but had grass and a tree on the land. The houses next to it makes you think a house once stood in its place. He walked onto it and leaned down touching the light green grass that was shorter then the others around it. The light green grass was in the shape of a house. "So you finally decided to grow here." He said before heading towards the tree looking up at its branches that blew in the slight breeze. He stayed like that as memories played through his eyes.
"Daddy look how high I climbed." A ten year old Kaylub called down, from the third branch in the tree, to his father who was racking leaves. The young man with ivy green eyes and dark brown hair looked up at his son a smile on his face.
"Wow little K you climbed up so high."
"Don't hurt yourself." A female voice said from the garden in front of the house said. She had beautiful black locks with her dark chocolate eyes filled with kindness as she joined her husband to look up at Kaylub who started to climb down.
"Daddy catch me." He said jumping into his arms as they all laughed and hugged before falling into the pile of leaves.
Kaylub leaned against the tree, tears falling from his eyes, at the memory of joy he had with his parents. He then blinks them away before he starts to walk towards the cemetery. He regained his composure with each step away from the empty land.
He arrived at the cemetery and had flowers in his hands, both roses, as he went towards two graves next to each other. One was titled Kenen Usinagi and the other Kaitlin Usinagi.

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