Finding Out The Truth

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Kaylub remained at the grave before patting the graves and getting up. He took a couple of deep breaths before throwing a dagger past someones head causing them to stop. He turns to see Loki standing there.

"Pretty good aim, but you missed."

"I was aiming for the tree, it's more like a warning shot."

"Well, in that case, you loss someone?"

"It's none of your business."

"Hey, I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable with the whole-"

"It has nothing to do with that, people who get close to me or I care for tend to die." Loki raised his brow at this.

"The graves I'm visiting are my parents." That was all Kaylub was going to give him as he swiftly walked away returning back to the tower for dinner like he promised.

When he arrived, he got lots of looks filled with concern and others with suspicion as Loki arrived after him. 

"Are you waiting for me to cook or something?" His cold persona was back as he raised a brow at the others.

"Where did you go?" Tony spoke first.

"That's none of your concern."

"Yes it is, you're supposed to be staying with us for the next eight months and for you to just disappear for a long time tends to bring up suspicion." Kaylub ran a hand through his hair in annoyance with a sigh.

"I went to visit my parents grave, happy?" He moved passed the shocked avengers and went to his room where he locked himself.

"Jarvis, activate hidden cam," Tony said as the others look at him. On the TV in the living area Kaylub's room appeared on the cam. "After last time, I had it installed so you can shut up about the security of the building," he said in response to some of the looks he was receiving.

Kaylub was mostly sitting on his bed in a meditative state as the rooms lights seemed to flicker. He remained there before a set of ivy eyes appeared in the camera causing it to go black and disconnect.

"Good, that should keep them distracted, so you're the new kid." Kaylub looked up to see and ivy eyed male with matching hair and a shield uniform.

"Can I help you?" Kaylub asked as the other male chuckled. "Agent Ivy."

"Ah so you do know me? that means your also one of their test subjects." The lights flicker more as Kaylub's eyes shine with the flicker. "Interesting, electricity or just light in general?" He asked as the lights settled.

Kaylub remained silent.

"Well I can control plants if the Ivy part of my name wasn't obvious." He motions to the Ivy that was encasing the hidden camera and the door. "Now you have a choice, either you come willingly or I could just kidnap you and force you to tell me your ability." 

"Why do you want to know that so badly?"

"Because, I want to know how many kids did Fury test on, did you willingly give yourself up, were you forced, or were you tricked?"

"There were only five of us after you went MIA on us. He shut down the program after three died through the process, only two of us lived, but we were changed forever. She can't stay outside of tech for too long or risk losing her mind and I can't sleep for too long or I die. Why did you go MIA?"

"I left because, I too can't be within civilization for long before my hair turns brown and I start to die like a plant." Kaylub giggles.

"So we all have turned into the things we were meant to control. She's tech, I'm light, and you're plants. Man-made, Astral, and Natural." 

"He never collected more?"

"No, he feared gathering anymore might call attention on his little soldier project."

"Well...are you going to stay here...with them?" He points towards the door where the two of them could hear the rushing footsteps of the avengers. Kaylub nodded as Ivy nodded. "Welp, I'll leave." He then exited the window as the vines vanish as the avengers came crashing into Kaylub's room as he remained where he was on the bed.

"Can I help you?" He asked as the heroes and villains looked at him.

"Where did the person that was here go?"

"He left, he just wanted to talk without being spied on...which I must admit I didn't think you guys would do." Kaylub gave them an icy look. "But that's beyond now. I'd like you to leave my room please."

"What did you discuss?" Natasha asked as Kaylub looked to her.

"Our past, and what was going on since he left."

"And what's that?" Clint asked as the two shield agents looked at each other.

"You two know what that was, and if you don't well then I guess Fury's been lying to a lot of people." Now the whole team was looking at the two agents.

"I don't think Kaylub would like us to discuss this in his presence." Natasha said as the two were already leaving knowing they had to be the ones to inform the others of the experiment.

"Explain." Tony said as everyone was within the meeting room. Both shield agents looked at each other before Natasha put in a disk and a video came up.

"A few years ago Fury asked us to round up a few orphan kids that wouldn't be missed if they disappeared. Kaylub was one of the six we gathered. We lied and told them that it was for a program to help them get adopted and to find them homes."

The video showed six kids strapped down to tables as each were injected by a needle infused with a substance.

"The project was to see if shield could replicate the super soldier serum with an extra boost in worked. What Fury didn't expect was the casualties of messing with human genes. Each of the six children had a different reaction to the same serum...some more pleasant then others."

Three children were shown malformed and dead as a male was shown with vines shooting at the camera another was a girl disappearing into code, lastly Kaylub was shown his eyes glowing light shined in his hands before blinding the camera.

The others were shocked and disgusted by what they saw.

"It was only after the third child died and Fury came to terms with the weaknesses present in the only two that were still around did he decide it was best to end the program and have the two enlist as agents."

Everyone was silent as the recording came to an end. 

The Cold Agent (A Avengers Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora