Chapter 1: ~Toystore

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He stood at the counter sorting the thread colours, untangling them and twirling them around their placement holder taping the end of the thread making sure it didn't come loose and tangle again. He did this all with a single hand, how you may ask? I guess you'd call it magic, I'd call it monstrosity. While he sorted through the threads, organizing them, his other hand tapped along the countertop creating a beat to his tune he hummed through shut lips.

His song was interrupted by the chime of the bell tied around the doorknob, he wasn't too pleased since his lovely song was cut short by the customer who had decided to stop in. Though he slightly angered the shopkeeper, it would all be worthwhile, due to the wonderful selection of toys the man had to offer.

The man wandered throughout the store, once he reached the currently open curtains to the dark room beyond the storefront, the shopkeeper gripped the edge of the counter and spoke up, stopping the man from continuing on.

"Sorry sir, the lights are off for a reason, that room is strictly for extras, anything you'll find in there would be either unfinished, replacements, extras, or broken, that room there is my workshop; I'd like to keep it as mine and not let you wander beyond those walls. Please understand young sir." The mans expression changed from slightly irritated to sympathetic in an instant.

"You wouldn't want to give you beloved ones something unfinished or dangerous when clearly there is much more here-" he extended his arm showcasing the storefront for the man once more.

"Am I correct?" A smirk then creeped onto the shopkeepers face as the customer stepped away from the curtain and continued to look around elsewhere,

"That's it, better no?" The male at the front counter whispered, his smirk grew wider and he turned back to sorting the items in the counter.

The customer brought a single item to the counter and smiled,

"Ah, found something you like?" The male looked up from his thread count to stare at the item on the counter,

"I made this one last week, her name is Lucy.. I hope your little one enjoys her dearly, I know I enjoyed creating her." the man smiles genuinely toward his customer, then rung up the doll.

"$7.78" he bagged the doll gently as the customer slid the money toward the red headed shopkeeper, the shopkeeper wrapped the plastic bag around the tiny doll handing it to his customer.

"Tell your dear daughter to be gentle with Lucy.. I would hate for my work to go to waste." He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked seriously to the man who had stopped to listen.

"My daughter treats her things quite nicely, actually she displays them rather of playing with them. I was indeed surprised when she first started to do this, today is her birthday and I thought I'd come here to get a gift for her, I've only heard great things about this store, and I see why, these dolls are brilliantly threaded, and their detailed porcelain faces.. Do you make them yourself?" The man explained in a nice gesture,

"In fact, I do, I sculpt the face to match those in which I've seen and studied carefully.. It's wonderful your daughter treats her gifts and collectibles as they are supposed to be treated. On the other hand This is a toy store, so children do come in as well as parents purchasing my gifts knowing they will not display my creations, but destroy them in time. That's why I fear time.. For
That exact reason, but it gives me joy to hear that your daughter knows her gifts worths, unlike those ungrateful children who don't. I wish your daughter love and joyous memories with the doll. Would you.. Tell her the doll already has a title? Lucy.. That's her name." He suddenly lit up at his words but then his head drifted downward as he began to speak about his creation causing a few crimson locks of hair to fall into his face and gently brush against his nose.

"I will sir, she only collects the ones with already given names, she says, that means they have a story to them, she tells me she plans to find out what those stories are, she always believed that, if the creator had thought deeply about his doll, he would give them a name, make a background story for them, or even.. Care about his creations.. While the other creators do it to make money, she likes it when they've been cared for." The customer smiled at the man gently brushing his hand over the doll wrapped in the bag.

"Is that why you chose the doll, because you had a feeling she had a name? No.. Why would you feel that way, your daughter might have though.. " the Crimson haired man cleared his throat.

"What's your daughters name?" He smiled at the thought of the girls possible names.

"Her names y/n, but I better get going, I thought I had more time but now I've spent awhile longer here than I expected, I have to pick y/n up from school soon." He smiled to the man turning away and opening the door.

"Wait.. Tell the dear I said happy birthday." He grinned at the man as he nodded and left.

"A story huh? My toys have a story?" He asked himself closing the drawer of now perfectly sorted threads and needles.

"Maybe he'll bring y/n by one day.. I'd love to meet someone with such exquisite taste in creations quite like mine." He smiled to himself as he checked the time and locked the drawer.

"Closing time." He folded the laptop screen down shutting it and grabbing the rest of his things and putting them neatly in his old and battered down bag, he then lifted the bag over his shoulder and walked to the back; he walked through the dark open space behind the storefront gently opening a large door in the back.

The bright lights gave his tall and slim figure a dark and fearful silhouette, the sound of his shoes tapping along the white tiled floor echoed throughout the room, sounding louder than the muffled screams within.

Have you wandered into the wrong place my dear? What a shame, you've come so far; There's no turning back now.

Hey guys! New one.. I know stupid because I should be working on the others as well, I am, but I have ideas for other books and I need to write them down, because I'll forget them. So here you go, finally over s thousand word count. I'm proud! Hopefully you enjoy this.

dark side of the toy store (Jason The Toymaker X reader) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara