Chapter Four - Things are Getting Messy

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Greeting the nurse & staff who had come to know him Troy took the elevator as his mind narrowed down what could have possibly reduced his wife to tears. Walking out of the elevator as soon as it would allow him to leave its confines Troy headed straight for her room. The doctor could wait.

Troy walked into his wife's hospital room excited that he'd be able to take her home and pamper her for a few hours as well as surprise the boys with her return home. Things were on the mend. For now he wouldn't over-analyse what he had spent the night reading in his wife's diary or how close he was to losing his wife. He had expected to find her dressed and ready to go home, what he didn't expect was to find her hooked up to machines and visibly drugged up. The smile fell from his face as he took in that she had two nurses hovering over her and the hurt in her eyes was trained directly at him.

"Angel, what's the matter? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He sat down in the arm chair and held her hand.

You've broken my heart Troy. The doctor is trying to fix it but they all look at me as if I have death by the hand. I'm never going to be whole again and it's all your fault, Evelyn wanted to scream. Instead she smiled, "Oh, the doctor is just being silly. I had a brief episode earlier this morning and he got scared. I just need more rest love." She patted his hand.

Troy frowned, if the doctor hadn't called him he would've said his wife was lying. The nurses were staring at her as if she had grown another head. What the hell was going on?

Eve turned to face the wall that looked away from the door. She remembered that weekend. She'd been officially dating Troy in an exclusive relationship for 5 months when he'd taken the Friday after his birthday off. She'd hoped to spend the day with him but every time she had called him she'd heard the network's pre-recorded message telling her that the number she had dialled was unavailable. Her heart sat uncomfortably in her chest as she heard the same message over and over. She remembered checking her phone just before midnight the Friday and seeing that she'd called him over 30 times. Eve's heart constricted, while she had been concerned about his safety he'd been fucking her, that evil woman with the perfect nails!

Eve had always known he had a bit of a soft spot for her but to still be intimate with her and to not use protection when he was already having unprotected sexual intercourse with his official girlfriend was, was-she choked on a sob and wiped her tears away quickly. She didn't care that Troy hadn't left. This was just too damned painful to hold in until he was gone. She screamed as the pain wrenched her heart from her chest.

Her mind played images of that woman with perfect nails on top of Troy nude. Her mind played sounds of her husband moaning the other woman's name over and over as he grabbed her hips as they matched his rhythm. A hand touched her shoulder, Eve flinched. How could he touch her all these years and pretend that everything was okay? Damn it, she'd told herself that she would never be the woman who turned a blind eye while her man cheated. She knew that in everything that that woman had said the bulk of it was true. Truth, like a well-constructed lie always had a way of ringing true.

Troy looked at the nurses for assistance as they watched him and his wife as if watching a soap opera. An order was barked from behind him and the nurses scampered for needles. One nurse held Eve's hand as another injected something into the IV tube.

"Mr. Tinovenga." A hand gripped his shoulder firmly pulling him out of his wife's hospital room. Jerking to a stop just outside the room Troy turned around to face his wife's doctor. He noted with irritation that the man had gotten a haircut recently and looked every inch the distinguished doctor. The fact that his grip on Troy's shoulder was firm and there was a hint of muscle beneath the doctor's lab coat irked Troy further.

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