Chapter 7

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*Angelique P.O.V*

yesterday we finished our mission and today were being called by my grandpa I wonder what he wants... ever since we had a fight to Ino she apologize to me and I accept it I'm glad that the argument is already over we went to the Hokages room my grandpa told us "before I start the discussion Ange what will be your answer?" Ino and Choji had a confuse to their face except my uncle and Shikamaru they knew it I replied

"yes I'll help them grandpa"

"good because that mission is ranked c" all of them are surprised except me I already went a lot of missions 

Ino replied "why!?"

I replied "before Naruto went off he told me that your grandpa give us ranked c mission" I shrugged then Choji replied

"if Naruto's team were assign to rank c  it means that"

"were going to assign it as well" 

uncle replied "who would have thought this would happen" grandpa chuckled he said

"kids this day is full of surprising.. anyway your mission is to go Magnolia"

Ino replied "isn't that the place is full of wizards?"

"yes it is they need our help your mission is to stop the rouge ninja"

uncle replied "you heard the old man we'll leave tomorrow"

grandpa replied "that's all for today and your now dismissed" all of us are leaving the hokage Choji said

"Angelique do you know the mission is all about?" I stopped my tracts and turn around to face them I replied

"yeah I know the mission is all about and it has something to do with my past"

Ino replied "Angelique are you hiding from us?" Choji and Ino are staring at me with a worry face I replied

"I don't know if I cant trust you guys" I look down then Choji said

"Angelique you have to trust us and we promise not to tell anyone about it" both of them when I look at my uncle he nod as well... I sigh and replied

"the mission that we were given us to stop the ninja in Magnolia.... is where my mom's hometown" both of them are shocked

Ino said "that does mean that" 

"yes I'm half wizard and half ninja...  my mom's parents disowned her and me.. .. dad and I were shocked of what their saying... my mom was hurt when she was being disowned.. ever since my parents died they didn't visit their grave even one of them... and now there asking our help to stop the rouge ninja" I smile sadly at them then Ino said

"I'm so sorry to hear that story Angelique" she hugged me and I was surprised then hugged her back

"its okay Ino I'm not holding any hatred from them"

"your a strong person Angelique I'm sorry to call you a witch"

"you don't have to apologive all over again Ino... anyway lets prepare our things for tomorrow's journey" all of them nod and we went our separate ways

*Shikamaru P.O.V*

I was preparing all the stuff for tomorrow's mission I'm glad that Angelique told Ino and Choji about her past... until now I haven't told her my feelings yet maybe when the time comes then my father came inside of the room he said "are you ready for your first mission tomorrow since its rank C"

"what a drag.. I'm always ready dad and can I ask you something?"

"sure what is it?"

"do you know Angelique's mother?"

"you mean Sarah yeah I know her why?"

"did you know that her mother is a wizard?"

"yeah by any chance are you curious about Angelique's family?"


"what a drag... okay I'll tell you Kirito is the father of Angelique and Sarah met each other in the forest when we were being ambushed"

"what happened next dad?"

"we were being saved by her.. Sarah was surprised that we were ninja when she saw that Kirito was injured she started to heal him... Kirito said thanks for helping us... Sarah was a kind girl and a helpful person"

"is that how you met each other?"

"yeah on the following day when we went to Magnolia we saw Sarah she was teaching the children on how to control their powers.. we were surprised that Sarah is top 2 strongest female wizard"

"no wonder Angelique is strong"

"yeah Angelique and Sarah had an equal strength... Sarah had a feelings for Kirito so they became a couple... ever since they heard the rumors that Sarah is in love to a ninja all of the people including her family was mad at them... she couldn't take it anymore so she was coming with us"

"so that's how Angeliqe's mother met the 3rd Hokage"

"precisely the 3rd Hokage accepted their relationship because he likes Sarah even though she's a wizard... she never hated everyone "

"I'm glad that her mom accept them"

"yeah... ever since they have a kids... Sarah and Kirito decided to go back in Magnolia when they come to her hometown all of them hated them and her family disowned her and Angelique... Kirito was angry for being disowned them so he made a promised to make one big family"

"that promise that Angelique's father did"

"well I cant tell if it was broken promise or not... but before her parents died they told her to keep moving forward no matter what happens we'll always love you"

"dad are you involved with the incident when her parents died?"

"yeah her dad is a very close friend of mine that goes for your mother I guess" he shrugged

"does everyone in the Jonin know her past as well?"

"not everyone Shikamaru because we don't know yet whether that person is being trusted or not"

"I see"

"now that you know her history its my turn to ask a question"

"what a drag... what is it dad?"

"are you inlove to Angelique?" I blushed slightly and look away he chuckled

"I'll take that as a yes anyway get some sleep you have mission tomorrow" he leave the room and I have a long sigh... what a drag... why does everyone interrupted my life to be honest I'm completely in love with her the question is will she likes me as well thinking about it I was sleeping peacefully

Half Ninja and Half Wizard (Naruto Fanfic Shikamaru Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now