Chapter 14

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*Angelique P.O.V*

we have been training non-stop since we have Chunin Exams uncle said "okay one more time and that will be end" the 4 of us are training to combine our power

Ino said "Ino"

Shikamaru said "Shika"

Choji said "Cho"

I replied "Ange" all of our techniques are moving our target towards my uncle and dodge it he said

"good that will be all for today and you have a free day tomorrow" Choji,Ino and I are happy to have a day off while Shikamaru on the other hand had a bored expression like he didn't care... Ino said

"what will you do guys for the rest of the days?"

I replied "Shikamaru and I will visit Ayano-neechan then tour her around the village"

"you mean Ayano Almerino!? one of the Almerino Clan Wizard!?"

"yes you know her?"

"of course the whole ninja know about the Almerino Clan are the good wizard who always helped the ninja and they can fall in love with them as long as they wont betrayed each other"

"I also heard that the Almerino Clan are good at healing they can cure anything"

"does that mean Ayano is good at healing as well?"

"yes and she's a water-ice dragon slayer"

"ne ne did you spar with her sometimes?"

"yeah and she's a strong person"

"what rank is she?"

"in wizard we called the Jonin as S-class Wizard"

Choji said "S-class Wizard does that mean that the leader of yours will choose your team?"

Shikamaru said "what a drag in here we have Hokage while Wizard on the other hand they called them Master and no that person will not choose instead you can make your own team"

"wow since when did you learn about Wizards?"

"Angelique told me once you became a S-class wizard one of you will battle each other so every year they change their rank"

"they have ranking?"

I replied "yes Ayano-neechan ranking is 1st"

Ino said "sugoi! who is the 2nd?" then we heard a lady voice

"that would be Angelique she became an S-Class wizard at the age of 9" when we look around Ayano-neechan is here with a warm smile

 "its Ayano! please tell me that I'm dreaming!" she squealed 

 "your not dreaming um"

 "its Ino Yamanaka and this is Choji Akimichi" 

 "its nice to meet you Ino and Choji"

"ne ne is it true that your staying here!?" 

 "hai my parents agreed as long as I will visit them sometimes"

 "your so sweet and did Hokage-sama gave you something like be the co-captain?"

"hai I'm the co-captain of Team 7 he said that I'll meet them tomorrow I guess"

I replied "I cant believe your the co-captain with them Ayano-neechan"

Choji said " if I remember correctly Naruto is one of the team 7 right?"

"yeah and Ayano-neechan you'll help me sometimes right?"

Ayano-neechan said "of course then can Ino and Choji will join with us I wanted to know more people Ange" Choji and Ino are happy while me and Shikamaru chuckled both of us are holding hands.... we let her tour this Village and she easily memorize it Ayano-neechan like Choji very much I thought she'll call him fat instead she'll call him a huggable person.... Choji was blushing at her compliments.... Ino really admire Ayano-neechan cause she is strong and respect her.... the 5 of us went to Ramen then we saw that Naruto is here including to his team mates there looking closely at Kakashi-sensei? Ino interrupted she said 

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