Fall Hard

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"Hey, Alex, listen up. The ball was just not friendly at that time." I said, explaining the embarrassing blowout loss to the scout. "Who are you? Do I even know you?" He said, surprising me. "Please, trust in me." I said, trying to regain the trust of the once trusted scout that became unreliable because of me. "I was not expecting you to play like that, I expected you to play every game like it is your last." He said. "But-" "The school is going to throw you out of the campus if they can but they can only do that after the whole school year." He said, cutting my words short. "Okay, I'm fine with that." I said, and he started walking away from me. I understand that the school only wants reliable players that they can lean on every time the game is on the line. Should I just take risks and walk out of the campus already? But it will be hard outside. I do not know if I can even enter another school and I can not even point out specific places on the map because I have just recently arrived here in Manila. Perhaps I should stay the whole year just to prove my worth.

"Hi, Carmelyn." I said, when I saw my classmate pass by. "Huh, so right now I am talking to a marshmallow, you know, soft." She said, and then walked away. "Good morning Ma'am." I said to the principal. "Good morning, star player." She said, sarcastically. Really, even teachers will hate me after that? Oh, come on, this is unbelievable. I suddenly saw coach waving at me, telling me to go to him. I hurried and when I got there, he welcomed me with a smile, like that of a father's. "Come, Franco. I'll give you one last chance. And that will be next month. Just take the whole month of June to train and I doubt that you will fail. You are a jack of all trades, Mr. Brown, but a master of none. And we are going to make you a master of all trades." He said, encouraging me, lights a fire to heat my heart up.

I spend the whole month training for the challenge that he said to me. Heavy lifts, leg press, and other things to make me physically ready. And of course, nothing beats the real thing. The game of basketball. I need to be able to make shots from all over the court.  The desire to get better and better was derived from The Black Mamba himself, Mr. No. 24, Kobe Bryant. There is nothing to do more than that. I am pretty sure I will win the challenge that coach gave me. I am not confident, but pumped up! I will never disappoint my scout, my coach, and my school anymore.


My goal for tomorrow is 5 updates. :)

Heart Of A ChampionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora