Hungry for More

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You both had first met at the marketplace. You were browsing the ingredients for the week when someone accidentally bumped into you.

“My apologies. Some people can be quite rude,” came a velvety and smooth voice behind you. You turned around, slightly caught off guard by how handsome he was. Now, you’ve seen attractive men but something about this man in particular, well, he looked really good in that suit and those glasses.

“I-It’s no trouble. Honest,” you smiled. You nearly stopped breathing as he returned the smile with his own. Feeling your cheeks warm up (Six knows how red they must be right now), you returned your attention to the food stall, ignoring as mystery man stood beside you, a book in hand with what you guessed was an ingredients list. You got lost in thought, pondering over what exactly you wanted to eat each night, eyes blankly staring down at the Leiden potatoes.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a chuckle, blinking to see the man looking at you in amusement.

“Have they offended you in some way?” he asked, lips twitching to hold back a smile.

You laughed, not expecting the remark. “Oh no. Just trying to figure out what I want to make. Nothing really peaks my interest to be honest. I do get tired of making the same old thing each day, not that I get much time to cook in general. Oh! Excuse my rambling. I don’t get out very much as you can probably see.”

“It’s quite alright. Pardon me, but you mentioned that you cook? May I inquire as to what you do make?” he asked curiously.

You nodded, then blushed, stating that you didn’t really cook so much as hastily put something together for on the go as you were always so busy and that by the time you got home, you didn’t have enough energy left to actually cook a homemade dish so Cup Noodles it was.

He blinked at you once before stating that that would not do and proceeded to give you a verbal list of quick but healthy meals that could require less than ten minutes to prepare before she had to leave home each day, only to pause and proceed to write down everything he was saying and the ingredients needed on a fresh, new page in his notebook seeing that you just stood there in surprise, commenting that you would be unable to remember all of that in one go.

“You can find the majority of these ingredients around here, though a few you may have to order in,” he began. “But as I stated, the majority are found here so you should not have much trouble finding them.” He was about to tear the page out, pen moving to write something quickly at the top before doing so and handing it to you.

You blinked, looking at the list of quick dishes, surprised that so many could be done in such a short time. You stated as such gaining an amused chuckle.

“I tend to feed three other mouths so the quicker, the better as they complain less.”

You laughed. “Thank you…” you trailed off, realizing neither of you knew one another’s names.

“Ignis Scientia,” he stated with a bow of his head.

You giggled but held out a hand to him. “Pleasure to meet you Ignis, I’m (y/n).”

He grabbed your hand in one of his gloved ones, bringing your hand up to his lips causing you to blush brighter than before, a mischievous look in his eyes.

“The pleasure’s all mine (y/n).” He released your hand, which you cradled to your chest in embarrassment, with a rather reluctant sigh. “I’m afraid I must be on my way.” He tapped the top of the paper with an index finger. “Please inform me of how the dishes turn out. I will also gladly send you any others that I happen to come across.”

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