A King Needs A Queen

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Older!Noctis x Fem!Reader Posted both on tumblr and ao3  NSFW so skip if you don't like smut. Otherwise, please enjoy!

You and the three boys had fended off the oncoming horde of daemons until for the first time in ten years, the sun showed itself, all the daemons vanishing with it with an agonized cry.

You had just stared at the sunshine in awe, tears flowing down your cheeks, knowing what this meant. Still, neither of the four of you could stand long, wanting to see their King once more, even if meant mourning him for a second time.

You were the first to run up the steps, the three men not far behind you, nearly skidding across the floor as you ran to the throne room as the elevator finally arrived at the floor, pausing and gasping at the slouched form occupying the throne. You could hear a sob echo from Prompto behind you, Gladio closing his eyes as Ignis bowed his head. You, however, pushed past the anguish of mourning for your beloved Prince, your King, as you quickly ran up the steps, kneeling in front of his prone form. Tears still streaming down your face, you reached out to grab his head to rest your forehead against his own, only to gasp in surprise. Your head snapped to the other three quickly.

"He's still breathing! Barely, but it's there!" you cried, Gladio quickly rushing up to double check.

"You lucky son of a bitch," he muttered, picking up the King's form in his arms. The three of you hurried out to make for camp, where you all could properly heal him before moving him back to Lestallum.

Three weeks.

Three weeks is how long it had been since that day. Within that first week, he had awakened only to be tackled into a group hug by the other four, the King laughing despite the pain he was in. You proceeded to smack him across the face for being such an asshole with his whole dying speech when he was still here (not that he knew either - perhaps a gift from the Six? No one was going to question it honestly) before your lips were on his own, Gladio whistling as Prompto shouted in delight and snapped a pic of the shocked King, Ignis chuckling in the background, Noctis quickly responding back.

(For being gone for ten years, he was a really good kisser. More confident too and less awkward.)

It wasn't until he was able to move around without being in too much pain before you all agreed to make the trek back to Hammerhead and grab a car from there to head to Lestallum and let the news out that the Lucian King yet lived once more.

The second week was hard for them all as Noctis had to be babysat by you four constantly as he still had he slip ups of falling on occasion due to the brutal assault of the past Kings (a story that only the five of you knew and would never dare speak of to another soul) while helping the people of Lestallum with repairs on Lucis, to try and remake it grand like it was before.

By week three, Noctis could walk on his own with little supervision and week four he was perfectly fine on his own, though his body was in pain every now and then, though he never let it show.

Currently it was just you and Noctis, resting in your room at the hotel in Lestallum while Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio were out helping with rebuilding efforts and wouldn't be back until at least the next day. You stayed behind after Noct asked you to, you never noticing the looks and grins the men shared between each other before taking off.

You were laying down in bed, arm thrown over your eyes as you lightly dozed as Noctis sat in the chair beside the window, legs crossed, gazing out the window. Well, he was orginally before thoughts about you and that kiss weeks ago crossed his mind. It was about time he did something about that as you avoided touching him even further in fear of causing him more pain.

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