Chapter 6. School Shopping

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Harry and his parents walked to the building called gringotts per the instructions from Tom to exchange some muggle money into wizard money they walked into the bank not giving the goblins a second look or even bothering to read the warning written on the giant doors they walked to a free teller and exchanged the money while also getting taught how the money system in the wizarding world worked they walked out of the bank and began walking to the book store Flourish and Blotts as they walked inside the three took to different sections gathering the needed school books and a few books for Harry to read for fun they went to the cashier and as the books were rung up the girl who was most certainly in her twenties smiled at them "that will be three sickles and two knuts have fun at hogwarts" they hand her the required payment and began walking to the next shop.
Erik looked at them "how about we go get his potions supplies and other things while he gets his robes then we can meet up at the wand shop so we can see him get it?"
Harry and Raven nod then the three split up as Harry walks into Madam Malkins robes for all occasions he looks around and then looks at a woman who was approaching him "hogwarts dear?"
Harry nods "yes ma'm" he spoke with respect Madam Malkins smiled and lead him to a stool to stand on next to a boy with stormy grey eyes and platinum blonde hair with a pale complexion the boy looked at him while Harry was being fitted by an assistant "hogwarts as well?"

Harry nodded "yes" he regarded the boy with suspicion while also making sure his scar was hidden the blonde boy noticing Harry not wanting to talk anymore nodded and continued "I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy see you on the train" the young boy jumped off the stool once he was finished and walked out with his fresh and primped robes after finishing Harry looked at the woman fitting him "along with these school robes I would also like a few sets in emerald green,dark blue,red and black and silver" Madam Malkin smiled "of course dear" she turns to her assistance and tells her to get on that after getting his measurements.
After he was finished he paid for his robes and smiled "thank you ma'm"
The kind old woman smiled "anytime Mr.?"
Harry looked at her "Potter Harry Potter Good day" he walks out of the store and goes to the wand shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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