Chapter 1

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I walked downstairs to see Tord with his....cute smile and.....beautiful accent *smexy music lol*. Wait, TOM, WTH ARE YOU SAYING?! YOU DON'T LOVE TORD! Or do I? Oh God...please don't tell me that..(Thats right my peeps, he loves the commie)....Oh no........What am I going to do? (<IDK my dude)
I saw Tom coming downstairs with his...dark, blank "eyes"...his spiky hair...*more smexy music lol*....Yes, I'll go ahead and admit it...I love...EDD! (Y u always lying?) Okay fine....I love....MATT!(MMM OMG STOP FREAKING LYING) FINE JESUS CHRIST! I love....TOM! There. Happy now? (Yes) Okay, GOOD! MOVING ON! I love Tom and I don't know how to tell him- (Ooh! Ooh! I know!) SHUT UP! (Okay.) So I decided to confess tonight.
I told Tom to meet me in my room. (Why?) Why what? (Why in YOUR room?) 'Cause I felt like it. (Whatever) Anyway, he met me in my room. (Underlined:Tom
Bold: Tord)
"What do you want, commie?"
" you.."
"As if..."
*TAKE 2*
"I like you, too"
"No....I LOVE you"
"I- (HE LOVES YOU TOO)....what she said."
Then they heard Edd and Matt coming. "What are you guys doing up there?" "Crap...."
//Hey peeps! I hope you enjoyed this! Im actually writing an actual fanfiction now. Hurrah...I guess...anyway, I hope you enjoyed this....or didn't...IDK ~Jen//

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