Who are you?

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Miraculously, within a month I recovered my eyesight.

The doctors did say it was rare but not impossible.
I have never cherished by vision so much as I do now.

Ever since then I kept thinking about weird instances that happened when I was blind. That warmness would follow me in the worst situations. I had that feeling that someone was watching me. It was like a presence was there. However, I wasn't scared of it which was weird.

It was my official first day using my eyes again. Everything never seemed brighter and more alive.

I could finally see my own face, my wardrobe, my friends, and now I could do my own makeup. Most importantly, I won't trip and fall anymore.

I decided to spend my whole day outside since it was a beautiful day.

As I was crossing the intersection a motorcyclist zoomed straight towards me.

There was no time to react and obviously whoever it was didn't care if he ran me over.

All I could do was stare in fear.

Within the blink of an eye I was grabbed by the waist and pulled out of the way.

In shock, all I could hear was the loud engine of the bike zooming away.

When I came to my senses I immediately turned to thank the person that saved me.

"Th-thank you," I said bowing a full 90 degree.

I looked up to see that it was a surprisingly handsome guy with pale skin, black hair, and deep dark eyes. He looked the same age as me.

Does he go to my university?

I never seen him before, but the feeling felt familiar.

Something about him seemed to glow.

My eyes were fixated on him for the longest time and it was hard to look away.

He probably didn't undertsand what I had said because he was staring at me strangely and he turned around as if he thought I was talking to someone else.

"Can you ... see me?" he asked.


Is this some kind of sick joke to the blind? I knew I should've taken my cane out of my bag...


My eyes widen.

How the heck does he know my name? I've never seen him before in my life.

Suddenly an ahjumma with her children walked in between us blocking our view of each other.

When I looked back up he was gone. He disappeared in an instant.

That was rude.

I just decided to ignore what happened as I continued in with my day. I was going to meet up with Ji-soo in the park.


"Are you sure you're okay? " Ji-soo asks for the hundredth time.

"Yes!! I said i'm fine. Thanks to that random stranger, " I tell him about the incident earlier.

"I should've just picked you up. You're still getting used to having your vision back. "


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Angel Eyes ||  NJH X LSK Where stories live. Discover now