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I sit up straight on my bed.

"Are you going to tell me who you are or should I call the cops?" I ask him regaining my confidence.

It felt so strange.

All my fear had just faded away.

I felt like I wasn't in danger anymore.

But I couldn't let these sudden feelings get the best of me.

I looked up at him.

His face seemed so calm.

His pale face almost glowing as the first time I saw him.

As I was staring at him he too was staring back at me.

"You can really see me," He says in amazement.

"Well... obviously. I'm not blind."


He smiles even more. An innocent smile.

All thoughts of him being a stalker or serial killer immediately vanished.

Still, I can't judge a person by their appearance.

"You didn't answer me. Who are you? How did you get in here? Why-"

He suddenly touched my face.

His hand traced down from my temple to my cheek.

"You can feel my touch..?"

"Um.." I say startled looking away.

"I've always dreamt of this.." He says gazing at me.

Is he perhaps... a pervert?

Then I remember I have clothes on. I didn't put my clothes on before I fainted...

"Did you dress me!??" I ask in shock.

"I couldn't leave you in a wet towel." He says casually.

"You.. What the hell! I was naked!!"

My cheeks are red in embarrassment.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before."


Who is this creep??

I try to swat his hand away but when my hand comes in contact with his it's ice cold.

Why does he feel so cold??

Out of nowhere I grab his arm.

I gasp.

"Y-you're freezing.."

"I am?" He says as if he doesn't think so.

I don't know why but I start to cry.

His expression is suddenly filled with worry.

"Are you hurt??" He looks all over me.

"Please... just tell me who you are..."

He stares at me with deep glistening eyes before he finally opens his mouth.

"I'm an angel."

Angel Eyes ||  NJH X LSK Where stories live. Discover now