Chapter 3

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Lita's P.o.V

"Okay, so.... on Monday.. I heard Edge and Christian talking..." She kept playing with her hair, this wasn't a good sign.

"And Edge isn't to happy about the idea of you being here, but he said on screen he'll get done what needs to be done, but off screen he doesn't want anything to do with you..."

Those words hurt me the most, and hearing it from April I can see why she was hesitant to tell me.

"He doesn't want anything to do with you..." They kept repeating over and over.

"I'm sorry." April said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I know I should've told you sooner." She looked guilty.

"It's fine, better late than never, right?" I was trying not to break down in front of her.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" I walked away before she could respond.

I sat near the buses and cried.

Am I that bad of a person? I never did anything to him, I cheated on Matt with him, and eventually I fell in love.

Was he just playing with my emotions?

Was he using me?

All of the stuff he said was probably never true, he never loved me and I'm stupid to think that he did.

This is what I get for falling in love.

"Lita." I heard Christian's voice, I ignored him.

"Amy, I'm sorry..."

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing, you didn't do anything, I know you tried to talk him out of it, but he didn't listen..." I cut him off.

"Adam will be Adam..." He sighed.

"How'd you find it out?"


"How'd April know?"

" She overheard you two talking on Monday. I asked her if she knew anything, because everyone was acting strange... not everyone, just you, her, and Edge. You and April were acting like you were hiding something and Edge was ignoring me." I wiped my face.

"He thinks you've ruined everything, Kaitlyn has been gone and Monday was one of his only chances to ask her out for a while. She's always busy." He sighed.

"I didn't mean to, he should've gave me a heads up. I figured that he missed me, at least a bit."

"Amy if he hasn't really talked to you since you left, what makes you think that he did." Christian had a point.

"Adam will come to his senses I promise, he's just overreacting." He smiled

"You're right, I'll just have to deal with this in a professional manner or whatever." He hugged me.

"Good luck, Amy, I'll call you later, I'm going to give you some more time to think things through." He walked away.

"You can't make someone love you or like you." I thought about that quote.

"Maybe other people can't but I'm pretty sure I can." I smiled.

Monday on Raw

Author's P.o.V

"So, in addition to you spearing me... The Rated R Couple is back!" The crowd cheered, Edge and Lita are guests on Miz Tv tonight, Edge cringed at what Miz had just said.

"You two should be celebrating!"

"Yeah, we're back and we're not going to celebrate just yet." Edge said.

"Is Lita here tonight? I mean we need to hear her take on all of this." Her theme played and she started to do her entrance thing, Edge looked at her again, she looked like the same Lita from'03- '06.

She dyed her hair red, it was curled, she had on a red top and green shorts.

"Wow she looks good. Wait what am I saying Edge, you hate her remember? Wait why am I arguing with myself?" Edge thought to himself as Lita grabbed a mic.

"Hey babe." Lita said as she sat next to him, Edge just smiled, if you looked at him closely you can tell that he hated everything that was going on right now.

"So Lita, what's your take on all of this?" Miz asked.

"Well, I'm glad that we're back together and I can honestly say that I've missed the Rated R Couple." She smiled.

"The question is on a lot of peoples' minds, NOW you guys come back, you guys could've done this years ago. Why now?"

"Well, we all know my situation and what happened so that I can wrestle again. I missed the enviornment, I didn't want to come back just to be a guest talking sense into John Cena anymore. I wanted to wrestle again, I missed a lot of stuff, my theme playing, me walking down that ramp, the crowd cheering my name, me giving it all I have and speaing people in this ring. I missed a lot of stuff." He was staring at Lita, he couldn't take her eys off her.

"Hey, Edge! I'm over here!" Edge turned his attention back to The Miz.

"And, why is The Lovely Lita back?" Lita smiled as he said that.

"I missed it too, and this year I can actually be here full time, I'm taking a break from my band, and I haven't wrestled since I beat Heath Slater." She laughed.

"But last week I called Mr. McMahon to see if I could get a contract, he agreed, and now I'm here." She smiled.

Edge's P.o.V

I was glad when that segment was over, everyone saw me look at Lita when I was talking to The Miz.

I just need to clear my mind.

"Adam?" I heard a voice, it was Beth, Beth Phoenix, my ex girlfriend.

"Hey Beth, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same question. I'm coming back on Monday. The Glamazon returns." She smiled.

Wow, she hasn't been informed that I'm wrestling again.

"I've been back for a couple of months now."

"Oh, I haven't been keeping up with the WWE world. And I thought your neck..." I explained to her what the doctor had did.

"So my chances of being paralyzed are basically gone." I finished.

"Hmm. I think we have a bit of catching up to do, I know that might be awkward since I'm your ex... How's Kaitlyn?"

"I didn't have the chance to ask her yet." She looked a bit relieved.


"Lita came back, now the Rated R Cople is back, I'm mad about it and I'll have to explain it all to you another time, are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, I guess we can go out to lunch or dinner." She smiled.

"Okay, I call you after I'm done with my part for the Smackdown tapings." She smiled, I can tell she was hppy.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Rated R superstar." She put air quotes on Rated R Superstar, she smiled and walked away.

Maybe that's who I need, I need Beth.

Is Lita trying to make Edge fall in love with her?

Will she move on somehow?

And do Beth and Edge still have feelings for each other?

Were his feelings for Kaitlyn temporary?

I'll post another chapter soon, I hope this makes up for my writers block xoxox

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