Moonlight (2)

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2 Months Later

"Y/N, get in this shower right now and pull your hair out of this goddamn drain." Taehyung growls, his loud voice echoing against the bathroom tiles. "The water isn't going down because of you!"

It had been officially two months since you started living with Taehyung and things were going well. Ignoring his obsession with wanting you to see him naked, he was a harmless kitten with now freshly dyed brown hair.

"Taehyung!" you yell back. "Gross. I'm not falling for that."

He doesn't reply but you can hear his giggles muffled by what you think might be his hands. He has too much fun trying than succeeding.

Living with him didn't turn out to be such a bad idea. He respected your privacy enough to knock before barreling into your bedroom and although you were grumpy most of the time, it didn't incite arguments with the surprisingly bubbly and protective man-child. He was immature, childish, playful and emotional, and he really loved to cuddle.

It was nice not feeling so alone. 

Since your bedrooms were separated by a thin wall, after a while, Taehyung began to knock on the wall before running to your room with his pillow. The first time he did, you were so frightened that you nearly punched him in the throat. The second time he did, you were too tired to say no and had consequently woken up with his hair in your mouth and his hands on places they shouldn't. And by the third time, you were already in love with his scent and the way he rubbed your back to sleep. It was something your mother used to do and he was welcome in your room so long as he did.

Setting up a wall knocking system, one knock meant hello, are you awake and three knocks were a warning, I'm coming over. Despite this, living with him had become a well-nurtured secret. He would warn you when his friends would come over and you would stay at the library until they left.

Since he was a well-known colleague of yours and a student lusted over by many, he was afraid of unneeded conflict, he was afraid of what they might think. 

You avoided each other at uni but still indulged in note passing and secret winks. The thought never crossed his mind that you actually owned a phone, he enjoyed the excitement of a secret too much. So beside the handful of Mia's friends and a couple of his, you became a secret. 

"Alright class. I want you to open your minds, I don't want some cheap 1-minute noodle kind of essays. I want authentic, different, tasteful ramyeon. Which is exactly why this essay is now a group report." Mr. Jones yells enthusiastically, eliciting collective groans from his audience.

Waiting for the chatter and rage to simmer down, he paces behind the podium with his thumb and his index finger vice pinching his chin. His other hand furiously rubbed the purple and orange hideously checkered fabric on his stomach.

You had noticed a little quirk about him, he would rub his stomach when he was bursting at the seems to yell something extraordinary or socially devastating. And from the pensive but sadistic expression he wore behind his glasses, it was the latter.

"You'll be in random groups of fours, your names are down here and yes, before you ask, I am Satan. Beside your name, feel free to sign your soul away so I know you attended the class. Oh and don't have too much fun sharing your workload with your fellow inferno buddies. On that note, you are all free to roam your real hell. Class dismissed."

Sinking back down into your seat, you gather up your materials. You hadn't been paying attention that entire lecture or for that fact, any of them. You were so tired all the time that you kind of just dozed off in his classes. He was too intelligent for you to keep up and you weren't even sure what the class was on anymore.

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